
@blastedt: As soon as the .ca updates to the new look I am out of here...

So, i have one 55inch led 3d, 52 inch lcd, and a 42 plasma... (and a projector) in one room of my house...

@Nitesh: This did make my LOL... best post of the day

@BigDaddy0790: 36 is my record (on solo, think 34 with a group). Was fucking intense, and took close to three hours.

Only if they advertise towards children.. or something like that.. 22% tax. i fucking wish... last pack here in Canada (25 smokes, not 20) cost me $13.76

@LeoFilante: If it wasn't for Steam I would have a tiny fraction of what PC's games I currently have.

@LeoFilante: I would be picking up BS (PC version), though instead I will pick up K3 with Move..

@nickedge: I would have to say though, imho, if anyone was going to go the MMO route it would be a good idea to be in bed with Blizz/Activision.

I'll never forget the day I put the original Lunar (sega CD), into the Xbox and it ran, flawlessly...

@Black Knight Rebel: copy from above (i understand it may not be viewable on the redesigned site).

@Innes McEvoy: I've seen that, read a few other articles. Yup, Denton is going the asshole route here. If the site was actually funtional, which at least for me the redesigned site has never fully worked once, then I could see his point a litter better.

@Innes McEvoy: I don't think that would be a good idea..

DCU, PS3 or PC.. The only people i know playing it are on the PC and they are loving it (them being long time WoW players). I was thinking about picking it up in the near future...

[] .. once you open an article though its the new site... But, this is still a hell of a lot better than this new horrid design...

Its been a work week, and the site still runs like shit..(and half the time pretty much unusable on my iPad) CHANGE IT BACK, please. when [] is updated to this new horrid design, I will leave for good.