
@Who-really-cares: Then buy the other ones that dont have it? or simply dont use it.

@SinDonor2: I made the mistake once of referring to the mightly Microsoft with the "M$" on this site... wow, I couldn't beleive the posts that followed...

@vidhagans: Awesome job... There really are some creative people on this site.

@NeƶStarr: This is why I love my Government owned Telco (Sasktel).

@d00d123: Lunar:SS. If done right it could be an epic movie (like most jrpgs could be).

Downloading now. You better be right Mike...

@yanipheonu: Next Gen... We can't remake everything this gen..fuck it, remake it now...

@LTA: In all seriousness... If they arn't region locked I may actually bring a few with me... you guys really get shafted with the price of all game (electronic) merchandise...

@LTA: I'm thinking when I come visit you's (Canadian going to Europe for a month this summer), I am going to bring a dozen 3DS's and a few PSP2's/NGP's to barter with...

Best gaming desktop is the one you build yourself.

@d4rk-h4x0rer: This is one game I bought for like $5.00, and never played... always meant to check it but never have...

Anyone know if 3d works with the Cysis Beta? If so, i think i may have to go home for lunch today...

@Good news, everyone!: So, my favourite PSP game of all time, Lumines (1&2), is not on the GO (last time I checked)...

@Dragonfang18: Of my 130+ games on steam, one, and only one, was pre-purchased/ day one buy. Everything else I have waited for a sale... Needless to say, I have never had a signle issue with Steam (other then with account billing, when I tried to purchase a game while on vacation in Mexico).

@a-rural-juror: I think i am one of the eight people that really like two worlds. Was if flawed, Hell yes, but it was fun, and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

@Sam fisher's a aimbot: Yes, Crysis 2 (360), and Killzone 3 only because the have 3D... (Killzone 2 was shit, imho).