
"Time Crisis: Razing Storm (Bandai Namco) (Sept. 2010)".

I can not wait for this in 3D...

@I_Like_TDs: "new 360 is basically based on the original PS3" WTF? Please explain...

@masonsturtle: I Spent more on my launch PS3 than my launch Ipad...

@resvrgam: Its NOt a PC.. Get over it.

@buckyboy2009: We watched Monster V. Aliens, in 3d on shrooms... It was fucking epic.

@fELIXADER: As a gamer, who has a professional career , I have no problems dropping $1000.00, $2000.00 or the $4000.00 that I did spend on this Technology.

@Scottaholic: Yes, one of the better $10 I have spent this year was on Tropico 3... Have you tried the new expansion? been meaning to dl it, but havent got to it yet...

@HitBit: I so wanted that system, and bought it, for like $50 from a Pawn shop shortly after its release... steal of a deal. Still got it hooked up at home, with Tecmo Bowl in the cart slot and Night Trap in the CD tray...

@VincentStardust: They (being the average citizen), in China/Mexico/(pretty much any developing country) dont have home PC's because they can not afford them, thus giving rise to internet cafe's.

@dragon83: I wear glassess too... and wear my nvida 3d vision over top of them... and my samsung pair fits even better....

@illiniphase4: Spend half your work day walking/running around, especially in the summer heat... and see if one wouldn't help your productivity...

After spending a long weekend with my brand new Samsung 55inch LED 3D TV all I can say is a year is a long time to wait for this game...

@Nihilexistentialist: You are technically incorrect... There are 64 bit versions of games, (though only a few support/have it), and for the most part they are alot buggier than the 32 bit versions (Crysis Im looking at you)...

@The Cap'n: How could it be 'under $50", when it acts like 4 controllers... isn't 1 wii mote close to $80 once you factor it all in...

@Tyrunn: I started a second play through... three or four times since I finished it... never making it out of the Vault... 30min just to get the game going..., when starting a second playthrough you should just start outside of it...

@josh6135: *Samsung UN55C7000 (LED).

@josh6135: RDR - Red Dead Redemption (360)

@Fenlain: Ya, them mem upgrade for the N64 ended up with me putting it in the closet... Which really was a shame, I never ended up playing Perfect Dark because of it...