
@Lokno: I have heard great things about the ATI cards, and almost purcahsed one, though with Nvidia trying hard to creat/support a 3d market I choosed them this time...

@ThirzaLepidus: After the first 10 minutes of playing with my 3D setup i forgot I had the glasses on, and was wondering why the room seemed so dark...

@Lokno: I have already dropped $800.00 on my own 3d setup ($500.00 for the Nvidia/samsumg setup, $300.00 for a vid card to run it (GTX 275).

@Koztah: I would be in your boat if...

I'll be online in 3-4 hours. Anyone wants to adventure together send me a line.

Steam Support

@deanbmmv: Great news, I, like you, thought it was being released earlier. Now I will be able to spend some time with Star Trek and FF XIV...

"concept" — Just remember that little word when this car is actually released, because by then everything cool about it will be removed, and it will be another overpriced under-performing hybrid..

@Paradox me: I paid $500 for my Nvidia Setup, glasses and Monitor (in Dec of 2009). Well worth it imho. Cant wait for the summer to up 22inches to 52+.

@Accordion: Mine cost $200.00 (Dec 2009), i would say that they will be under $100 by x-mas 2010, and sub $50 x-mas 2011.

@Orionsaint: As I have mentioned before, and is MY opinion, 3D is a great addition to gaming, and I believe part of gamings future, moreso than motion controls/natal/gem etc. I just invested in the Samsung/nvidia bundle last month, and sofar I am loving it. Again, imho, it does add a new element and realness that

@SuperTongue: I would be checking out Section 8 this weekend too, if it wasnt for the fact it wants the DVD in my PC tray, even though it was purchased digitally via Direct2Drive...

@evensteven: It really is a great game... I'm thinking I may have to pick up a PC copy of it(already finished it on the 360)...

Well, since its my first days off at home since before x-mas I expect to do some cleaning, reno's, then hit the gaming hard with some Left 4 Dead 2 in 3d, and maybe finally break down and purchase borderlands again this time for the PC for some 3Dlovin.

@lance.uppercut: Probably the later. But for half the price of a decent gaming laptop this little bad boy aint THAT* expensive