
@Cookie: haha, i totally forgot about that game...

@sifujames: Agreed, though, today when we get stuck in a game we have a few options... ie. Google it, you tube it, etc. We dont need the game to hold our hand, we have the internet for that...

After watching the video, all i was thinking was if Natal/Sony Motion Ccontrol can do what they say it can do this could have been an amazing game for it...

@Nac: Road Rash on the 3D0 brings back many great memories, we played that shit out of it for years... Ah, what I wouldnt give for a HD version...

@Archaotic: Well, after you guys talked it up so much today I will...

Well, after serveral years I think i may actually finish Uncharted. IF that does happen I will pick up and start Demons Soul... From a few of todays posts i have really been intriged by it.

@Demoskinos: Good to hear. I loved the demo. Pondering a purchase

@soviet_monkey: Im in the exact same boat as you... (close to 70 360 games, and i think im now at 6 PS3's, and 4 Wii titles)

@BeerManMike: As fast food burgers go it probably is one of the best. It's something that shows McDonalds is trying to make their products "better".

@Hamster Poop: Show up at any of the McDonalds in my city... I would say its the ooposite of what you see... Especially the ones in Wal-Mart.

@Aprotosis: The best $10 I spent last month...

@bmart008: "That's another benefit of Digital, if developers can release their own games they can keep all the profits, and keep the price of the game lower."

@Mihos: Simple then, don't buy it, and it won't have to detect that.

@spiderweb1986: Yes, because we all saw how Nin got the "hardcore"..

@smbu2000: True, in the sense that they can't buy a UMD of it, though those 50 million could Dl it like the gogo users...

@KagaSakai: Damn rights. Thats what killed the game for me...