
I wish I didnt know this. I was actually going to DL the Lost and the Damned tonight, (just got a 120gig HD, and noticed this is 25% off (1200points)..

@Misanthropic Gamer: Agreed, though the PS3 should have one hell of year in store for us...

@Dead Giveaway: I have two 20 gig HD's I use, which become a pain in the ass, especially when camping and all my DLC wont work.

@'360 Fanboy: Always 360... Even for a game like Batman, I don't really need the bonus content...

@DevCo: "there is more creativity in being a lawyer than there is in being an artist"...(an artist told me that)

@evensteven: Good to know, this will help me pick it up on my way home from work today.

@Senecal: Yes, and new 360s dont fail that often either. Look, we all know first gen 360's are lemons, though, we still have one going strong at home, which sounds like a jet. Though I would bet anyone that our current gen 360 will last as long, if not longer than the current gen wii/ps3 etc.

@MeanMF: Shadowrun is one a few games i have two copies of (for both 360's), and actually a PC version too. Once you actually get into the game, and understand it, yes, it is one of the best Multiplayer FPS's ever, imho. I would love to see a cheap ($10-20) dl for it on the marketplace..

@John_ryan84: unless you just want a game console, then the 360 is, imho, "a better bang for the buck". Plus remeber all the goods the PS3 has only come into play if you have a HDTV, which still a majority of people dont have.

Well, since i have been in the market for a 120 gig HD, i may just have to purchase an elite...

@Slagathorian: Too cheap for the 120hz.. Great deal nonetheless

@omyard: So true. I quit playing the 360 version once I got the PSP version (and is why I bought the psp). For a simple game, that can drain so much time in one session, they really should implement a save feature.

@Iskandr: Though this is a game designed for PC and CONSOLE, therefore the console portion is left in the dark via voice chat, which, imho, should be part of the game. And I mean voice chat as in only with your party / group.I understand why other MMO's dont include it, and yes vent/skpe etc work great, but those are

@Archaotic: If that is the case, which I could see it being, then it's MS loss, the gamers loss, and sonys win.

@smokeybones: But the few amazing games it had made it worth while, imho. Countless playthroughs of Lunar, Vay, and the best sonic of all time (Sonic CD), plus you cant forget night trap. Ah, those simpler times...

@natetehgreat: As long as I game I will be purchasing (95% of) my games in a retail outlet, no DD here. I like having a physical copy in my hands. If I’m forced to go the DD route, then I won’t buy it. (*oh, and I never buy from EBgames/Gamestop etc ever).

@xmywreckingballx: And all the gaming experience you have gave you what? A tiny bit of muscle in your thumbs?

Wow, I have to buy this, I never thought in my wildest dreams "Brand New" would be in GH/RB. My day has been made by this.