
I don't see how even the biggest fan boy of Apple/Android/Sony/etc not be mildly impressed by at least one of these things.

Folgers tea-bag style coffee is better than any Kuerig I have ever had, and is $5 for 19 bags.

I'm thinking of these as a potential replacement to thin clients. Windows plus an RDP connection or Citrix...although only one usb port could be a problem.

The 2nd model does though, correct? I'm really tempted but if its this cheap now, then in 6months when the weather is actually nice enough for me to us it, it will be even cheaper.

The 2nd model does though, correct? I'm really tempted but if its this cheap now, then in 6months when the weather

I came here for large butts, all I got was bro's n seafood.

Simple, don't. They should not be attempting it because they will very likely end up with a virus.

Aren't the servers that are being used as zombies to allow for this service compromised illegally? Making this whole thing illegal no matter how pretty you make the ToS?

This gave me a great idea for a new feature that Touch ID needs, multi-finger authentication. Example, use your fingers like a passcode, requiring you to scan 4 fingers (that are not specified at the prompt) in order to unlock something. This would add some randomness to which fingers are required, as well as add

So do they just have a massive botnet they decided to start throwing around?

Serious question: What are your predictions on when residential fiber will reach a majority availability in the US?

This makes me mad. They are like some type of new-age Grinch, just let the kids enjoy their Christmas day video games.

Ya I'm sure NASA engineers didn't put anything thought into this..

Uh, my antek charger will charge my iPhone 6 faster than it would if I used an iPad charging brick.


Let's see, I click on the link because of this headline:

How could it be N. Korea, they don't even know the internet exists.

I work with my best friend of 10+ years, and also live with him. People seemed shocked when they find this out.

LastPass has pretty much made personal passwords feel non-existent for me.

Uh, reading e-mail is an essential, there for productive, part of my job.

I've gotten this message as well (grandfathered unlimited plan), so I called ATT. They said "oh don't worry about that message, you're on the unlimited so it doesn't apply". Then why did I get the message..?