
Wow.. I paid full retail (699) for my 5R a year and a half ago. Great deal, amazing camera.

Wow.. I paid full retail (699) for my 5R a year and a half ago. Great deal, amazing camera.

My liver is going to be very fashionable in 2015.

It is frustrating how long it took me to figure this out in Windows 8.1 for OneDrive. If anyone is stuck let me know and I will refresh my memory and give the steps.

Why do I want 50GB of pictures I rarely need taking up space when they don't have to be? Yes, yes it is.

Nokia N-Gage

Is it sad that due to lack of an official Windows 8 app I would prefer to sit in front of my PC and use my phone to switch songs?

I switched from DropBox to OneDrive for a majority of my online storage long ago. What is this "tyranny" you speak of?

Hue needs a widget asap. How is it taking them so long?

It's actually relevant to use in watches. Not a first for a watch by any means.

My watch doesn't contain 5 email addresses linked to multiple social media and financial accounts that could be used to comprise my entire online life. I don't lose shit either. But I don't deny that shit happens.

Someone paid me once to do an online College Algebra class for them, all I guaranteed was I'd pass. I used Wolfram Alpha for solving practically everything and got an A-.

Explain to me why you feel you shouldnt? It is a device you carry with you everyday that you probably have a higher risk of losing than your car keys, and you have the ability to make it useless to someone who finds it. Why would you not opt to do that when all it takes is sacrificing 1 second of your life to enter in

If you don't lock your phone by now, you're using it wrong.

I wonder if they have tweaked/removed the 'ymc' service which would throttle your laptop to uselessness when put into any mode besides laptop mode. It's easy enough to disable the service, but I'm sure a lot of non-savy users found the Y2P to be an awful "tablet".

iCloud backups my iPhone settings and contacts, and nothing else. I have 50GB of free OneDrive, which also was reviewed as one of the most secure cloud storages when it comes to handing out your data to whoever asks for it.

I just came here for the Hall of Presidents reference.

This actually for the opposite. When you are in the same room with people and you are showing/commenting on your photos. Instead of all huddling around one persons phone, or worse, giving someone free access to swipe through your camera roll, you use this. You swipe, they watch on their phone. As a bonus, they can add

Awesome news. Have been wanting this since 360. May be able to repurpose my rPi running Plex. Kind of a bummer though that you have to be a subscriber for this. With iOS it is a onetime fee of $5 for the app. I guess they did this because I don't believe XB1 has paid apps.

It doesn't work with just a router, no internet? I find that hard to believe. You can create an internal wifi network without having connection to the outside internet.

Wink deal sold out. 2TB HDD sold out. Guess my money stays in my pocket on this one.