
I have been using Riffsy and it works flawlessly. Don't see a need for PopKey, i have zero complaints on Riffsy's interface. And create an account..? No thanks.

Just tell people its a "groupon" and you'll feel hip, not frugal.

Your perspective would switch between first- and third-person based on whether you were heading into combat or hanging out in a city, according to two sources—not unlike Bungie's Destiny.

Give me something terrible about the Otterbox Commuter. I'm pretty sure its flawless.

works great with my otterbox

I get 12 myself, but yes its DSL.

This seems like a no-brainer if you are currently on AT&T and have data only.

No Otterbox love? Just got my Commuter in for my 6, have had a Commuter on my 4s for 3 years and its flawless. Has dropped from 6ft onto screen multiple times and its still scuff/crack free.

Ordered an Otterbox for my 6. Paid x4 as much as the ones you have here, but the one on my 4s hasn't failed me in 3 years filled with countless drops. - another free app to do this

So, worse than every other option.

I think the worst manufacturer at this is HP. Their PCs come with all this bs security software that is very intrusive every time you are faced with a password field. The bad part is, that inorder to uninstall the obtrusive software you have to manually uninstall 6 other pieces of crapware without any indication of

Just started using Uber after it recently came to my city. What are the differences in Lyft vs Uber? Sounds like an exact clone to me. The Uber app is really slick, only place I could see it being different.

Is this art? I used to work at a car wash, I didn't think of it as lonely but more as peaceful compared to the craziness it was during business hours.

I'll take it. I've wanted to watch this series for the longest time but really couldn't stand the SD.

Ditto on the games I'm looking forward to, as well as GTA V on next-gen (only reason I've held onto my 360). I agree too on the exclusives being not that great right now..although, I play Titanfall on my XB1 more than anything else (I realize its also on PC but console wise, its exclusive).

Interesting. Besides the GOTY edition of Last of Us, there are no PS4 exclusive titles that would make me want one right now. I have an XB1 and would much rather play all the multiplatform games on that due to the interface; integration with tv, side by side apps, voice control. How seamless it transitions still

Looks awesome! I initially didn't realize this deal was for the BR30 bulbs. While I do have some of these in the basement, similar to yourself, I was hoping to first get into the system with the standard A19 bulbs. Glad it all worked out for you though.

Component cables? What the eff.

The KVM is cool but I just cant justify that price. You can get usb monitor for ~$100. Not always going to work for you, but I really find myself in a situation where I can't borrow a monitor, use RDP, or have access to an actual crash cart.