
They never gave an explanation is what really burns me, they just acted like this wasn't a big deal to not include. At least I only have $300 invested in my surround headset, others have thousands of dollars invested in their A/V receiver and speaker combos.

Should work fine now. If the XB1 won't power it then you should be able to use a usb ac adapter like the ones that come with most smart phones.

Oh if power is the only reason then it still should work now. My receiver has external power that goes directly to outlet.

"Nothing can stop this Train!"

I just re-read it and get it now. You can switch between in-game chat and party chat. Although, you could already do this by just remaining in the party and turning off party chat. I'm confused again.

But the shit talking messages are awesome.

Thats what I'm pricey 7.1 TBs are just going to turn into some shit stereo headphones? How the fuck is a console next gen without dolby support. Thats like claiming bluray as the nextgen media, but oh yeah it only does stereo...

It should work now without chat. All the adapter does is allow you to connect your cable for chat. I'm not sure why your receiver needs a USB but all you should need to do is connect the optical cable from the receiver to your TV. Atleast with my TBs that is how it works. Different model though.

I think every single person who plays BF4 is boggled on this one.

I don't get this couldnt do this already? Pretty sure I've been in a party with friends who were playing BF4 while I was playing Forza and we could chat just fine.

I haven't used a headset on PS3/4 but the voice quality on the XB1 blows away any voice quality I have heard out of a 3.5mm headset. I can tell what flavor chip someone is chewing, seriously.

How about the option to make parties private? It blew my mind when I realized this was not an included feature. It was on 360 from day one (I think..), why would you not include it with XB1? It's actually a really big privacy issue IMO.


It gave me a laugh, so he can have his attention. Fair trade imo.

Too bad, thanks for the response anyway. Although I'm not sure I could handle a glass desk, I spend enough time loathing my always dusty black desk.

Why wasn't their HVAC on a seperate LAN? Why wasn't the maintenance account extremely limited in what could be remotely accessed?

What desk is that? Sweet setup btw.

No surprise, a majority of the big name viruses (ie:cyrptolocker) are launched out of Russia. I would have to have a gun to my head for me to access any private accounts on free public wifi in Russia.

Why can't Amazon have the Paperwhite on sale too. I need a non-backlit reader, after 8 hours of computer work daily I find that I don't enjoy reading for lengthy times after work using a tablet.

Time to innovate?