
No, the carbonite is air tight.

I live in the Han Solo building, AMA!

The Lenovo X1 Carbons have matte touch screens and they can handle direct overhead light pretty well. That's what made me wonder why I have not seen a smartphone with one. Admittedly, they aren't as sharp quality. So that's probably why.

Matte screen smart phones?


Wrap area with electric tape to prevent wear on cable.

All of them were in Atlanta.

Actually used Domino's online tracker at work yesterday for the first time..and it worked surprisingly well. 5 minutes after it said out for delivery I knew to go up to reception area (judging off distance of the shop's location) and the delivery guy and I met each other there at the perfect time.

Psssssttt...Windows 8.1 included several improvements for multi-monitor use. It is now better than Windows 7 at handling them.

Makes sense, I set it to boot to desktop for my users already anyway. You don't want your Windows 7 to boot with the Start Menu expanded do you? Because the Start Screen is nothing more than an improved Start Menu, if people haven't realized yet.

How about an update that provides all those features that were stated as "eventually". Like 3D Blurays and external HDD support (we need that sooner than later, any more 13GB updates and we are all SOL).

I wish I had it on every TV in the house, if you have it setup in the right environment (low noise) then it is a game changer. Most recent tech I've used that actually feels like the future.

Halo 2 MP was possibly the best.

So I'm not the only one who sees that one of my top friends recently liked a company minutes ago...every single time I open FB.

That's actually an awesome opening line.

You're rich, buy the most expensive one.

Is that worth 50k, is the real question.

TLDR; came here to ask this exact question.

I don't watch porn from the girls perspective. Im just not that narcissistic so no thanks. However, there is a google glass app for this, not kidding. Was just on the daily show.

Yeah I thought that's what you meant. When I played it out in my head all I could put together was that it would be an image of Me, fucking..myself. I'd prefer to look at the women or else I'm just masturbating in a mirror..