

Normally only see that many monitors in a NOC or on a Traders desk. Care to elaborate on your career, cause from what I can tell there is no network or stock monitoring going on here. Could be wrong though, hard to make out whats on the screens.

"This is where drone operators preserve American lives"

Why are you here, shouldn't you be outside? Nerd.

Because my previous lock screen that simply said 'Press CTRL+ALT+DEL' and was in no way customizable without the use of 3rd party software was just so beautiful....

Very true. I suppose I should be saying good luck to other cryptos. And to consumers, don't buy coins that can't be in turn spent on goods and services and you won't be buying into a scam.

Yeah that does make sense.

...So your thought process is, if I have to learn a handful of new ways to do things on the OS I have been using for a decade, I should move to an entirely new OS/architect? Because that won't be more time consuming then the 5 minutes it will take me to adapt to a change in Windows.

I'm not so much worried about maintaining presence, but appearance. If general population view cryptocurrency as a scam instead of a legitimate concept, it won't be good for Bitcoin. A lot of these new coins are basically scams.

You can enable a 'touch mode' in the desktop version of Office 2013. It is on the very top title bar, it is an image of a finger clicking a button.

Yoga 2 Pro is the greatest laptop I have ever used. I haven't used tons and tons of laptops, but this thing is my new staple in judging others going forward.

This is where the lack of a good tutorial explaining the vast, yet simple, customization options is an issue.

Win Key + S works great too to find not just running programs but finding files and settings.

I agree All Apps is cluttered, you should have the option to expand. I don't think the fact that you have to put forth a bit of effort to customize it to how you'd like it to be is a valid excuse. All of the apps in this image I had set at medium tile size. It took less than 10 seconds to right click all of them at

Wasn't the plan to do minor version updates from here on out, not major? Shouldn't we be discussing 8.2, and not even thinking about 9?

Set all of your tiles to small, and group them into you're preferred group. There you go, a compact, condensed list. Or, set your start screen to automatically go to the All Apps screen.

You know I thought the desktop background on the start screen was going to be a must for me, but I prefer it to be something different. The main reason..the desktop title looks odd when it is set to large and overlayed ontop of the same image.

I love Windows 8.1. I've deployed it to nearly 40 accountants now and have not had to deal with any substantial backlash. I show everyone the start screen and give a brief explanation, and then tell them if they don't like it they don't have to use it all. The outcome is, some people love it and use it others hardly

Agreed. I don't think it is helpful to Bitcoin's growth. I do believe alternates are needed but the options should be limited. Bitcoin and Litecoin should be sufficient.

Makes sense, thanks for the reply. Sensible choices instead of mindless gorging.