
I've had an idea for something like this for a while. My idea though involved it running on a Raspberry that I would have hooked up to my tv, so when I am getting dressed in the morning I can just turn on that input and get all of this information.

This feels like the most likely situation.

You're right. Let me rephrase my statement, after doing brief research on his background..."So its likely no big deal to him..minus the fact that if it wasn't for his family moving to our country, he would have been kidnapped and held for ransom in a 'Man on Fire' situation."

Replacing churches with NFL arenas, exxxxxxxxccccccceeeeeeellent.

If this will work with the GTA ports and KOTOR..sold.

I think I just like to sleep. Can I just call it a hobby?

When in doubt, Sprite pairs well with everything.

I wondered what these units looked like, so I decided to peek behind one of the cabinets.

Or get broadband and join the 20th century.

Good luck DDoS'ing a server farm of literally thousands and thousands of VM servers. All they have to do is shut one down and bring up another.

I love this answer. Ofcourse most will say, well I still want next gen so I'll just buy a PS4 instead.

I'd gladly pay a supscription fee of $10-$20 a month to digitally rent games, and own NOTHING. Too bad that wasn't announced.

How can I just get iOS7 right now? Can I JB and load a developer preview on even if I'm not a developer?

Found my Dreamcast the other week, had to order an AV cable for it. Got the cable, fired it up, and it just beeps. Damn it.

...I'm so fucking jealous that I don't even wanna make suggestions to help your trip be any more awesome.

*Shrug* None of this really affects me, but I could see some complications it imposes for others.

You know why the Xbox One reveal undeniably trumps the PS4 reveal? Because all of those awesome non-gaming features never mentioned there deep, deeeep ties in functionality with Twitter or Facebook.

Nothing is enticing except the extra digital content, which I imagine will come out as a standalone dlc at some point anyway.

About to be starting my 3rd full time job since graduating school 2 years ago. Each job has been an upgrade in pay and title from the previous. I don't see this as a negative thing at all. One, I'm young. Two, it shows growth in my field. Hopefully this new one allows for growth within the company. I have no problem

It's the best when "beautiful" people have ugly kids.