Its baffling, all the people commenting in here that assume having multiple credit cards means you have a massive amount of debt. I have 3 or 4, I have no substantial credit card debt, and have immaculate credit.
Its baffling, all the people commenting in here that assume having multiple credit cards means you have a massive amount of debt. I have 3 or 4, I have no substantial credit card debt, and have immaculate credit.
This didn't just start happening. This is pretty much common practice in all types of borrowing "systems" through out time. Not just in dealings with banks. Good work on the ignorance though.
Tribe fan here, was pretty psyched they botched that call. That is all.
Easy, no new friends.
GTA is to Scorsese as Saints row is to Michael Bay.
Yeah, that is definitely true. But man, look at that line of sight he had.
Yeah I don't know gun laws there, and it definitely would not have been smart to start shooting as a civilian, even if he had a gun..but I was just getting at the fact he had an awesome advantage point and line of sight.
If the photographer owned a firearm instead, there would have been no manhunt.
Theres a zillion ways to accomplish this.
"big black boy box" Anyone else re-read this a few times and still think, damn that sounds racist?
Good points, thanks for the explanation. I never got that into Usenet, only dabbled on emule for a short time. One thing I have to point out, you can disable upload completely with most torrent clients.
Reasoning to use Usenet over torrents?
I've only played so far for 4-5 hours, and I am starting to realize I liked combat in the first two much more. You described exactly why, it was much more tactical. To me, that was a more fun way of playing than the chaos that are gun fights in Infinite.
My dad once told me, "Always pay yourself first".
I was in Miami and the Prosche Panamera is like the Chevy of the city. It almost felt like it was every other car I saw. Understandably, its a beautiful machine imo.
The GTA V delay was a kick in the balls that is still stinging.
Yes. You will noticeably increase your boot times by pairing Windows 8 with the SSD over 7. I think 8 is great, metro apps aside, but I never use those because you aren't forced to.
Get an SSD and Windows 8. You will not regret it.
Love my NEX 5R! I shared this sample video on the original vote article (and a reply here) but I'll put it here for all to see in case other's want a video sample as well. Enjoy.
I'm really happy with the videos I have take with mine thus far. The adjustable screen is a nice touch too that I don't think the T3i offers. Check out this sample video. I had the camera still for most of it, but the waves are the best example for videos. Make sure you set the quality to 1080!