If you rush out to upgrade your Apple-anything every year, then you truly are a sucker. No argument is possible to contradict this statement.
If you rush out to upgrade your Apple-anything every year, then you truly are a sucker. No argument is possible to contradict this statement.
I'm using an iPad 2 as well and have not once considered upgrading. Until apps stop working do to hardware requirements, or they cut off updates like you said, I don't see reason to. Even if they do cut off updates..I'm still using iOS5 on it because I get more use when its jailbroken.
Boo hooo my job is hard. This place is no FoxConn.
Sonos takes no effort. The app is excellent, very simple for guests to get and start streaming their own music. Also, the quality of the speakers is top notch. You aren't just paying for the ease of streaming, but the hardware really is great.
Thinkin about getting myself one. Do you know the differences with the STM lense? Besides $200.
I disagree with every single one of your negative points. They all seem like such a stretch at finding something wrong with something that is pretty hard to flaw. First off all, it is called NFL REDZONE. Why are you griping about missing defensive plays? If they happen in the Redzone, then don't worry you will see it.…
Maybe Leslie should go on a hunger strike until it is taken down. Since the pieces posted on Thingverse were such an issue that she was losing sleep over it, just waiting for an attack to be made with a 3D printed firearm. You know, because all you have to do is download a file and it prints a fully working automatic…
Awesome video. I don't see how he captured all this on one day from so many different angles.
I'm not sure if it works like that. It really depends on options chosen by the shipper I believe. They can require it be delivered to a person or just to an address. At least I think, not positive if someone cares to clarify.
Luckily this person had a camera monitoring their front porch. Most people don't and if this happened they would probably sadly be SOL. Hopefully be able to claim insurance, but you wouldn't get the satisfaction of catching the asshole red handed.
Finally..? As if this has been an issue, ever. Whatever Thingverse wants to do is up to them as a web service. The day that Makerbots are unable to print designs classified as weapons is the day that 3D printing becomes doomed.
aren't glocks made of plastic.
Having a house designed by an architect to your liking is not by any means cheap. You can own a house and not be considered rich, but building a house to spec does require some wealth.
I'd be interested to know how much storage space one movie takes up, with all factors added up.
That's what all you ship jumpers get for buying this and not holding out for DayZ, the original version of this genre that is being created by developers that care about their finished product and not just money.
So your point is..Google is responsible for all drone deaths? Well played Biddle.
They needed a woman. Troll as you wish..but first ask yourself,why did Hurt Locker honestly win film of the year.
Definitely an awesome view, and probably an awesome job. I'm sure the view is not as pretty when you are in the trench..or in a medical tent..or a million of the other horrible imageries that come along with war.
Great picture, thanks! Adding to wallpaper rotation.