Aubrey Flemming

Where did I mention relaxers or weaves?

I do think people are usually curious about elements of personhood which they don't encounter all the time, regardless of who they are. My friend lived in Macau when she was a teenager and she has white blonde, straight, very, very fine hair and people used to run their fingers through her hair in the street and ask

GLAAD should be on the shitlist for supporting Glee regardless of its bi/transphobia. It is a hideous, saccharine trainwreck of a show.

Mostly because it falls under "negotiating with your child" and as a teenage babysitter I felt that that was akin to negotiating with terrorists and I do NOT negotiate with terrorists.

I did witness a mother in a supermarket with her devil child behaving HIDEOUSLY. She was at her wits end, so she got out her mobile phone and was all, "Hello Mr. Monster? Hi, yes, can you come and visit Billy tonight while he's sleeping?"

I don't think in the context you've described it's objectionable at all.

The British press is notoriously vile! So it could be that.

His nationality is as relevant as his gender. It's a basic descriptor. It's quite strange that you seem to be defending the use of gender as a descriptor when his gender has nothing to do with the story, yet criticising his use of Brit as a 'xenophobic' slur (!)

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I think I'm guilty of wanting to like him and trying to rationalise what he's said...but no, what he's said is definitely yucky and inexcusable.

So mentioning gender isn't offensive, but mentioning nationality is?

Yikes :(

If he had said 'toxic man' instead of 'toxic Brit', would that have been disparaging men?

In the south of England "that's nice, dear" means "shut your fucking mouth!"

Haaaaaaaaaa! There are definite similarities. I think that's overreaching and simply looking for extra things to find offensive about this.

As a big lez myself, I really don't find his comments homophobic and I don't think 'queen' carries anywhere near the same level of vitriol and hatred towards LGB individuals as 'dyke', 'fag', 'puff', 'homo' etc, even in the context of these comments he's made.

Liz Jones is worse overall - far worse. To my knowledge Rihanna has never exploited anyone's death for her own ends.

It's the widest read newspaper in the UK by far :(
