I just made noises at the computer monitor as I watched this. I'm going to turn into one of those people that speaks in a baby voice to cute animals :'(
I just made noises at the computer monitor as I watched this. I'm going to turn into one of those people that speaks in a baby voice to cute animals :'(
A girl at my school had like 100 beanie babies and used to celebrate their individual birthdays :(
Was 'After Earth' about race issues? Serious question, I didn't catch it.
I know it's not really the point but...
I LOVE TAMRON HALL. I used to watch that clip of her shutting down Tim Carney on repeat and feel borderline orgasmic.
It's appropriate to do so if someone commenting on an article on sexism has said something along the lines of "All men secretly want to rape women".
The UK analogy is to this is the recent murder of a British soldier by a couple of - what turned out to be - radicalised Islamist British men (of Nigerian descent). In the aftermath, many people revealed themselves to be hideous, far-right English Defence League supporters, changing their FB pictures to the Union…
I think people are simply asking you to frame your statements intelligently and with nuance rather than making grotesque generalisations, particularly in a debate about racism. Perhaps it's too much to ask for a little maturity on your part, perhaps you feel justified in your bile and bitterness, who knows. But…
Eye-rolling is a bit of a grey area - it's a little too direct and interactive!
You'll have to learn how to suppress and internalise any confrontational desires when someone does something to annoy you, particularly in London.
I just find the whole 'cultural appropriation is where a dominant culture appropriates from a subordinate culture' to be ridiculous: as if these terms have objective meaning. The notion of culture is so nebulous and subjective that what it really boils down to isn't 'dominant/subordinate', it appears to be 'white/vs…
I don't think a lot of Jezzies do 'sensible' or 'practical' - most of the arguments seem to be so highly theoretical and divorced from practical considerations, it's almost like nobody actually wants to see any positive change.
I'm offended at the blatant cultural appropriation of such an important religious icon for Sikhs around the world, for nothing other than aesthetic purposes.
I'm also slightly perturbed how 'black culture' and 'black people' as terms in the articles/comments are being used to mean 'North American black culture' and 'North American black people'. Particularly as the entire thrust of the dialogue is about cultural/racial appropriation!
And, here's the thing, as an advocate who works toward policies to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, I DON'T do the "oh men" thing, recognizing how TOTALLY UN-FUCKING PRODUCTIVE it is in the pursuit of social and policy change.
It was incredibly patronising! What part of 'Julius Nyerere' and 'Pan-African' sentiment didn't you get? My point wasn't that they valued white British culture particularly, it was that they felt the wealthy, black Americans were total outsiders, irrespective of skin colour. Wealthy, black Americans were not 'part…
Yes, I'm sure the little natives just don't know their own minds!
I take your point but...If the cultural practises of black people in Tanzania in the 1970s were such that they felt more kinship and familiarity with white British people than with black Americans, and 'black culture' varies from country to region to neighbourhood to such a degree, then surely it's misleading to refer…
I think it's really such a shame that we (people of color) have to see our cultures mangled, distorted, and disfigured by those afflicted by the blandness of White culture.