Shut up and take my money!
Shut up and take my money!
Are you really befriending the crows if you are tricking them into hating someone who never did anything to them?
I loved Regular Show, and Close Enough was even better, as an adult animation follow-up.
A denim suit.
The headline now just says [Update:] at the end..
This man has an extensive lecture series ON THE BIBLE up on Youtube.
Suck it, everyone who took care of their childhood things!
Hi, just a quick, friendly explanation that the idiom is ‘toe the line’ and is a reference to how runners line up with their toes on the line for a race, which is a metaphor for adhering strictly to the rules, or more loosely, to the tenets of a belief system.
Well . . . I’ve done it. I finally spent almost $50 on the worms games bundle.
I’m a super nerd who is currently listening to what is basically an economics textbook audiobook because my interests led me there, so in the past few weeks I’ve listened to hour after hour of explanation of the virtues of the free market and capitalism.
I also learned from this comments section that Pratt’s brother is a 3 percenter, so that’s fucked up.
Grand Designs is a great show. I think they’ve had it on Netflix before, but I’m not sure where you can stream it now. Originally, I think, it was a BBC thing.
Please tell me what this is from. I’m dying!
Pro tip: if on PC (I know, rare these days for many) you can make the browser window just narrow enough to force the article to display the slides as vertical content, instead, which turns the ‘slideshow’ into a plain old list. YMMV depending on your browser, etc., but I’ve found it effective. Sometimes images don’t…
“Master of the cyber realms,” a Charlie Kelly/M. Night Shyamalan production
What I haven’t seen mentioned here yet: the Saudi king has been investing in video game companies in the past few years. He’s trying to . . . soften his brand? although that phrasing suggests that he doesn’t have a loooooooooooooong way to go to actually accomplish that.
Fuck him, I’ve worked from home since 2016, and for many of us, it’s way better for productivity than a day bookended by two separate 30+minute drives, plus all the time to get ready in the morning, the time a work lunch break takes, and everything else involved.
I’ve only seen the original trilogy and the prequels, so no new-era Star Wars material, but I’m a big fan of Respawn in general, so I gave this game a shot. It was loads of fun. I’ll definitely be getting the sequel.