
I do in fact take issue with overemotional people attempting to stand on the bodies of dead children to push their own warped agendas that are only loosely based in actual reality.

I personally think the ACLU was wrong in this instance. I don’t see the failure in logic to think if a person is examined by a professional and determined they are not mentally capable of handling their own affairs then they are also not capable of responsible gun ownership. Why would we look at a person and say

*18th school shooting of this year

Well on the Apple subreddit im SURE there is no bias there...

You are right in your overall point, but you are missing a few details here. First of all the numbers and graphs they used were for 4K, Just look at steam stats, the majority of the cards can’t even run 4K. Sure if you are building a computer right now, you are probably are making it 4K ready and for 4K who is really

I really think 2018 Zuckerberg is in a vastly more powerful position than 2007 Zuckerberg was.

So obviously if you’re currently a “gamer,” then these aren’t for you, since even an entry-level GPU which you picked up 2 years ago for $100 is more powerful, and if you’re really a gamer, you probably didn’t get the entry-level GPU the last time you upgraded.

Thing is though, this isn’t as good as it can get. If you put this in generic, cheap laptops, and say you can still play something like Overwatch at 30fps on Ultra, that’s not bad considering we’re talking the lower price end of laptops, and this would beat the sort of laptops that try and boast about ‘gaming’

No it’s clearly on par of better than some crappy low end card as you put it; that also assumes that you can actually buy a graphics card in stock (and are willing to pay double MSRP)

Just to follow this up.

I think that right now, it is an OK stopgap while you wait for another paycheck to pay double the msrp for the graphics card.

Psst, this article was trying to tell casual gamers that AMD processors work well for gaming. Then went on to show us they only work at crap resolution and low quality. Why are we whispering?

Really the problem in Civ V was (imo) that combat was very bad to compensate for the poor AI. Cities and ranged units was OP so it was very hard to attack anyone. In Civ VI the AI is actually able to take your cities but also crumble much more easily because combat is no longer extremely stacked towards the defender.

It’s also in the scene where he lights the car on fire. You’ll notice Draven barely says anything and most of the close up shots have backgrounds so dark you can’t tell where he is. The rest of the scene is shot further away or behind him. It’s actually really well done for the time.

I am confused. Did we just have a reasonable discussion on the internet where both parties admitted they were both partially right?

You can’t do this. This is the internet. You both need to refuse to yield and continue arguing your exact same points until you start resorting to ad hominem attacks or someone mentions hitler. Thats the only way we settle disputes around these parts...

Let’s split the difference and say we’re both right.

A lot of modern art depends on context. For example, DuChamp’s fountain, a urinal laid on it’s side, was entered into a “prestigious” art exhibit whose only requirement was paying the entry fee. It was trolling the gallery owners, basically saying “this is what the art world has come to”.

Love solo travelling. I went to Miami Beach last year, did a food walking tour and a boat tour and talked to some nice people during those, but mostly kept to myself with my book, my music and my beach towel. It was heaven.

Dude, take it up with corporate.