
When did writers learn that a chart without the explanation in the chart is OK, same a photos without the location, person name and such?

A girl at my work can’t stop talking about Zika. She is deathly afraid of it. Even though she is not pregnant, not trying to get pregnant, and hasn’t left the state in a few years. She also literally thought ISIS may be been attacking our building when a false alarm fire drill happened. Not joking. She’s like the

I don’t agree. It’s like how murder is justified if, say, you’re doing it in self-defense. If a guy comes at me with a knife in an enclosed space where I’m trapped, and I shoot him dead, I’m pretty sure most people (legal issues aside) would call that an exception to “do not kill.” What else was I supposed to do,

You have remember that back then people looked at it as a judgement from god. Only certain people seemed to get it and thus people with it were assumed unclean. On top of this, this was put on anyone that had some sort of terrible skin condition, from severe acne to psoriasis. Others would keep their distance for not

Practice ended up being very different than theory.

I grew up around Grand Rapids, MI. When I moved to Detroit I told myself I would never complain about GR traffic again. Than I moved to Chicago and told myself I would never complain about Detroit traffic again. The way my luck is going I wouldn’t be surprised if I move to LA next.

I’m going back to the sloth story

This actually is not as true as you might think it is. Icicles form as liquid H2O crystallizes on pre-existing solid H2O. The H2O in liquid form has impurities picked up from running across the roof, but as the molecules of H2O assemble into place, the disolved and suspended impurities largely keep flowing. Now this

Now playing

I just watched that movie this past weekend. The scene where one of the aliens, who is anamored with Rickman’s TV persona, is shot, and as he’s dying Rickman recites his famous line promising the kid he will be avenged. Oh the feels! I actually tear up at that scene.

And Galaxy Quest

Spot on mate but it will be dr Lazarus from galxey quest before snape for me


During the weekend, a friend invited someone to hang out... who happened to be pro-Trump and made a comment. I had to immediately change the subject because political debates go absolutely nowhere. But hell, I had so many questions for him, like “Are you a fucking racist?”, among other conversation-stoppers.

See the one weird trick masons don’t want you to know

I’m with you on that. All Obama has done was screw up this country and make the world hate us.

Yes. Random attrition is random rodents dying. Biased attrition is rodents dying and getting written off because they don’t fit the desired result—“The treatment must work, so I bet that rat died of an undiagnosed heart condition.”

Aw, look at that little island that thinks its a real country. How often do sheep (easily 90% of the population) really need to do any of those things?

OK, clearly, the Gizmodo crowd is seeping in, because THAT, along with the comment calling superhero (excuse me, super hero) movies shitty is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard on io9. This is how it must feel to be in a blended family. With no divorce in sight for mommy io9 and daddy Gizmodo, we are gonna have to

I’m not sure that’s true. The last Liberal and Conservative governments in Canada (neglecting Paul Martin, as he wasn’t in office long enough to make a judgement) do conform to that stereotype: under Harper, budgets grew and Canada adopted a more unilateral foreign policy, and it leveraged force; under Chretien,

Amazing! That cheeseburger could pass for a 2014 model.