
I think your assumption is that the $200 you pay covers ALL the costs needed to generate the data that you received, rather than the idea that maybe your report is partially paid for by the $200 and partially paid for by the aggregate profits from selling the data.

Its obviously an eagle biting a fish by the tail...

Seems like talking about the lobster’s feelings would be a lot less effective than just telling everyone that they’re basically eating giant underwater cockroaches... 

FYI if you owe for several years in a row you’ll start getting fined... which I think was about $50 for me the last year I owed which definitely wiped out any kind of interest gained.

It actually does make a lot of sense. Because the actual amount you’re going to get taxed can vary from year to year, I find it easier to budget based on a higher withholding, then the return is something extra to enjoy. For about 4 years I accidentally had too little withholding and while my take-home paycheck was

Using your example, though, the equivalent would be if the governor of Texas referred to himself as the president with his own congress, senate, currency etc even though the US Civil War ended in 1865. If other countries refer to North America as Canada, USA, Texas, Mexico, you’re giving legitimacy to their claim that

Hmmm what if... our glorious leader decides that this is a way to stick it to China and refuses to (or mocks) the One China policy? I could totally see him doing that...

This is an interesting read, it scales the map more accurately based on the number of electoral college votes. The color distribution is much more accurate to actual voting patterns.

Enh, was wondering about this cotton policy. Aparently its quite common. Googled answer:

[Oops, responded to the wrong post]

Thanks for your well thought out and written response. I completely agree. My only other response is that we have no idea whether this is the first incident or not. Its very possible that this is just the latest in a string of inappropriate behavior... we’ll never know. 

Read the original messages and judge for yourself. Were these appropriate responses to customers? Or was she an innocent victim?

Hmmm if they’re using a sedative, does the Rhino survive? Assuming that they just hack the horn off and don’t gouge it out of their face.

A serious response is that those are all framed as being against their religion... whereas its hard to say that you’re refusing to serve someone because their hat is against their religion. Apparently its a-ok to discriminate if you can hide behind religion but not otherwise. 

If you’re against Anti-fa, does that mean you’re Pro-fascist? I’d like them to just say that out loud...

You can get pico projectors, bluetooth peripherals and dual-boot windows machines now. The technology isn’t quite there to keep it small and powerful though.

This sounds old-wife-adjacent to the idea that spicy food cools you down too, with the same idea that its causing you to sweat which cools you down. That doesn’t seem to make sense since you’d be sweating in the heat anyway, no?

Is there a good place to watch the original Teen Titans? Cartoon Network on hulu has it but we don’t have cable so can’t unlock those episodes.

We went to a birthday party at a bounce house venue once, hosted by a good friend of ours. Due to a weird mixup, they couldn’t find the key to the venue so everyone was stuck outside in the parking lot for an hour. Kids still had fun.

Hmmm quick poll, how many people would let their 6-7 year old kids use a knife by themselves? Because we don’t (just like, plastic kids knives) but maybe we’re being overly cautious.