
I don’t live in a national park.

I’m sure there will be a sign on the wall about their green mission and how they re-used all the trees they chopped down to build the starbucks to decorate the walls.... ENVIRONMENTAL!

Actually I think that might not be true... per the video the whole length is around 300' with a center tower. Going over 8 lanes of road would only be 100ish feet so this segment is probably one of the halves. It looks like if the center tower wasn’t installed it may have been resting on temporary supports that

I didn’t watch it eitehr but from reading about it I think its more like how they call a police badge a “shield”. Its basically a separate commendation system.

Not to mention all the various Logitech products that offer 1-2 year battery life now. I don’t even bother with rechargables because it seems silly to put a rechargeable into a mouse for a year at a time.

Are you an alternate timeline of me?! It’s all the same down to me training my now 7 year old to boardgame because we moved into the city while all our friends were in the suburbs.

Its about time people started printing out big posters of gunshot wounds and trotting them at intersections and around gun shops like they do abortion photos.

So... does this mean we can blame “Papers Please” for the current administration’s policies?

Yea I think it was a reply to one of your earlier comments that simply indicated you couldn’t lock it from the inside to prevent egress.

Other countries don’t have the concept of unlimited free speech (look it up)

Classroom Security Lockset, key inside or outside, inside lever always opens door.

Sorry, going to have to correct you on this. Many facility doors lock from the inside but turning the handle from the inside immediately disengages the lock. (ie think of a bathroom privacy lock)

Enh I read a few years ago (and just googled again) that analysis of a KFC chicken just revealed flour, salt, pepper and MSG... I’ve never seen anything on the chicken that would resemble a spice except for those random black specs (pepper).

OMG... thanks for the reminder. I try and get just one each year and eat it while hiding from my kid. Last year I just missed it and they were sold out everywhere. The horror.

This is super interesting because I’ve found that if I leave my computer on connected to a gawker site, it starts to lock up. Looking at this task manager with this tab open DOING NOTHING ELSE shows me that this lifehacker page is using 15-25% of my CPU with memory usage just continuously increasing. Doing nothing. No

I can’t watch the video at work, but do they recharge in eneloop chargers? And I guess speaking of that, I have a set of blue and white eneloops and they came with different chargers. Are they interchangeable with the each other and the pro chargers? Anyone know?

Reread what he wrote, he doesn’t have an issue with saying it, but rather the fact that someone needed to write down something so basic and fundamental on a piece of paper tells you they didn’t trust the person to act like a human on his own.

I agree 95% of what you’re saying. The only thing I’d add is you have to actually pay attention and make adjustments that benefit both of you. IE if my kid does homework after dinner he’s usually too sleepy/tired to really pay attention, so I make him do it before dinner.

I’ll second you. I usually cut my tongue whenever there’s a bubble in the hard candy... once you reach the bubble the edge is like a razor blade.

Right, I’m delusional and your guns are for punching holes in paper. Got it. I think I’m done here. Cool story bro.