That PS1 controller’s gonna fall and scare the shit out of you suddenly.
That PS1 controller’s gonna fall and scare the shit out of you suddenly.
This is so awesome! I gotta check this out for fun. I mean for science, of course.
Yeah, he was the best.
The audio is a bit shit but other than that I’d love to see the whole archive of their session. Such a nice bunch.
I love Jackie Chan movies ever since I was a kid. I watched them every time when one was on TV. I remember there was a weekend when 2 movies were shown, one on Saturday, one os Sunday and that felt like heaven. There were a lot of close calls for him, he really did some crazy stunts.
Seems like Leo was an Amiga boy like I was as a kid.
Really nice article. But I wouldn’t follow the thou. Horror games are there to scary you and keep you in dread. A friend of mine showed me the method to go in and figure out monsters years ago and I didn’t like the idea. It takes away the fun of the game, the reason why the game was made. When I played the Fatal Frame…
I have 60 Wii games (not pictured: Kirby’s Epic Yarn) and I’m planning to buy 9 more. That’s about 2 of the blocks you see on the article’s main picture. Damn, that’s a lot of games. But I’m glad most of them are shitty kids or cash-in games like all those car games. I have some good games I guess.
Go check out a handful of Final Fantasy Peasant’s videos. He knows much and can explain the way few can.
In the Larry games you just had to hold down 1, 3, 7 or 9 keys on the NumPad to walk the stairs. As far as I remember...
7 must be Machoke.
It’s a bit strange that as the Dark Souls video started up and the guy ran next to the bonfire through a hole/gate I instantly recognised where this is in the game. I played through only the first game so far but it was some trip I’ll remember.
I’ve seen some weird shit on the Internet but this is too much for me.
I know this car from the Need for Speed movie. It was awesome! Fun fact, if we split the word Koenigsegg to Koenig and Segg, Koenig sounds like König which means King in German and Segg means Ass in Hungarian. So it’s The King’s Ass :)
THIS! :D This is awesome! :D
Trump needs to up his game and announce Half-Life 3, exclusive to the US to beat Gaben.
It saws: “The red cross emblem or similar designs are not general signs of ambulances, health care, first aid, the nursing or medical profession, or similar matters” - so they must be sued out of their trousers! This is ridiculous...
I think red cross is a little late with that. Many-many, countless video games use it. It’s on the HUD, on health packs, items, everywhere. I hope Quake 3 gets a patch to iron out things...
Damn. This guy knows his stuff. I hope Capcom is cool with this.
It’s more like a teaser, not a real trailer. Just like they did with Persona 5 back in 2013. They gave us nothing. It’s more than !3! years early to say ANYTHING on a project like that. Just to get attention. Probably they just made the deal 10 minutes before the show and whipped up something fast. These teasers are…