I’m already confused on the naming conventions in this series.
I’m already confused on the naming conventions in this series.
More cancelled game need to come out like this!
It’s not really worthy of the list but a game I remember playing much and enjoyed it was Bedlam (1996 PC)
I don’t like to lower difficulty level once I started a game. Usually I play on Normal. This trend that a let’s me change difficulty during the game is something new for me. But I had to rely on it once: Trauma Center. The last but one fight was infuriating. I tried it several times, I beat all the levels before on…
As a kid I often entered cheat codes for shooters so I could just shoot the baddies infinitely. Later as I grew older I learned the value of being able to finish a game. Cheating is breaking the game and removes most of the fun and the goal the game was designed for.
I know someone who named his kids after Archer characters...
I played around with this myself and really liked that the upgrade system has it’s limits and you can save some on turning off health meter or stuff like that. I also unplugged the OS chip but I was expecting a more dramatic scene where you can see your YorHa 2B shut down and explode or something crazy not just a fade…
After getting hold of and loving VIII the next Final Fantasy I really liked was V. At the time I didn’t took VII seriously. I think the art and music is great in V. They could achieve so much with so little.
Yeah, I also like the photos of Final Fantasy XV.
You mean Platinum demo. I heard they improved on the combat since Duscae but I don’t know how different it was compared to Platinum.
Cool review. I’m glad you like the game. Any feeling that the game is less than it’s promised based on the trailers? Because I feel the cut very much after sailing out to Altissia.
These are not in the final game, am I right? Too bad.
How old are these guys? Tabata looks a bit old but Sakaguchi looks older. I can’t tell by their look.
This is amazing. I wish I could do game development as this guy and have access to all of FFXV’s assets. I would redo the game, make it more like the 2013 E3 trailer was. I really miss that game... :(
“FFXVI is only going to happen if XVdoes well.”
It was a nice read, I’m glad you enjoyed the encounter with Aranea. I was way over-leveled when I fought her and because of that the combat felt haphazardly and quick. She was more like a nuisance like the battles agains Biggs and Wedge in FFVIII.
And what about the weird and glitchy wall climbing? That also looked in need of fixing.
Yeah, it’s frustrating. I know how you feel, I feel the same.
I already have a Advent Children Cloud but this one also looks cool. And that Barret, holy hot damn! Looks kickass! I wouldn’t mind a really well made Zack too.
There are some crazy fans who can find info like these. If I were after an abandoned game project I wouldn’t know where to start. Most of the times I don’t even know there was a project on a subject, like for example I’m watching the Unseen64 series and watched All your history belongs to us and there are many…