
It’s not the restroom that bothers me. I have young ones. I’ve experienced all kinds of smells and messes. It’s being behind the wings. I like to think I have an indelible constitution, but the noise and/or pressure from the engine wash gives me a dull headache that often takes a couple days to fade. Over the ear

This is a very real problem. If you have little ones in your family that require their own seat, but you cannot afford the “upgrade” of reserving seats together, then you roll the dice on how the airline will seat you, and hope that you can convince them to let you sit next to each other. Sometimes families gotta go

Sometimes the airline will switch up the plane, which has a completely different seating structure. Say you were reserving seats on a plane with 6 seats in each row, but the plane was too empty, they’ll downgrade the plane to something with 5 seats/row. Some algorithm reassigns seats (poorly) and you’re stuck with the

I don’t know about SW specifically, but I do know that Delta and AA have both given mixed answers on this one. We fly 3-4 times a year, so we run into a lot of different opinions on company policy. No agents are the same (read: Agents remember/enforce different parts of relatively uniform training materials and manuals

The only time where I even try is when we have to book on an airline that doesn’t do assigned seating (or during that period when the airlines hadn’t decided how much and how often to fleece you for assigned seats).

I detest the idea of tipping up front. Most people call it “pay it forward” but a tip should not be considered obligatory, even in the US. It’s very rare that I don’t tip (and usually for the above reasons).


I had no idea that indoor cycling was a thing. Interesting. 

Every once in a while you’ll see the “this dad created 1000 hour paintings on his 37 children’s lunch boxes EVERY DAY” posts... Well, I don’t much think that’s tenable unless you’re working less than part time.

20 minutes?  Just dig up 100 or so dirt (or you could in DQ:B1) and make a staircase in 2-3 minutes flat.  I did that in every level of DQ:B when I knew I’d need to be going back and forth.  A lot of time (way too much time) was spent creating nice stairs that wouldn’t slow me down.  3 spaces across, one space up...

1. Pick up cat
2. Is cat trying to kill you?
If yes, you are holding it wrong (it may be that holding it... is wrong)
If no, you are holding it just fine

I hand chop salsa all the time (though people call it pico, I don’t care, it’s salsa to me). I used to do tomatoes -> onions -> garlic -> jalepeno|serrano -> cilantro. But then the spice and onions would be on my fingers all night, and sometimes all the next day, regardless of how much I scrubbed my hands. Then I

No shame here.

I love this game. I picked it up late in the cycle, but I love it.

If my work were able to pry my MBP out of my clutches, I’d want the T4x0s series. Slim, but not too slim. Great keyboard. Best track pad of all the windows machines... Then wipe it and install a flavor of Linux.

If my work were able to pry my MBP out of my clutches, I’d want the T4x0s series. Slim, but not too slim. Great

FFVIII aka FF90210, is the only FF I absolutely cannot stomach

Mulled cider with a shot of rum every time the temperature dips under 60

<initiate flame war>
The show was much, much better than the books.

<initiate flame war>
The show was much, much better than the books.

Been ordering the short for years. It’s the only thing that gets the ratio right. I’m not in love with *$s or anything. They’re just the only place that doesn’t require driving an hour out of my way in the morning if I want read espresso in my morning.

I find real crab to be an utter waste of time, and the fake stuff just brings the bar lower...