I’ve played a few that cannot be purchased, because someone made them up.
I’ve played a few that cannot be purchased, because someone made them up.
I’ve played a few that cannot be purchased, because someone made them up.
I’ve played a few that cannot be purchased, because someone made them up.
Agreed. This game is both challenging and fun. Doesn’t need a ton of space, either.
Agreed. This game is both challenging and fun. Doesn’t need a ton of space, either.
This just made me want a proper G&T. And I’m okay with that.
What do you want? They basically named it “Centrum Silver”.
I heard about this a few years back and thought “naw, no way”. Then, like a week later, there as a bristle sitting there on the grate as I was about to slap some steaks on my grill. Well, dang...
I don’t need an alternative. It’s mostly fiber so I feel full, and I don’t subscribe to the idea that every meal has to be a pleasurable experience so I have no reason to put any effort into improving it. It gets me through to lunch and that’s all it needs to do.
Absolutely. Working on it. Working hard. Cut out almost all the alcohol and replaced every breakfast with oatmeal (gag) for the last six months... It’s disgusting.
I have. “Lose weight. Run less until you do.”
I get severe tendonitis if I push to two miles. Can’t walk for 3-5 days without incredible inflammation pain.
I can get about 1.5 miles before it’s all over. My endurance in most other areas pops back up relatively quickly. The things I can do I generally can continue doing for a while or after short breathers. Not running...
Going to try to pick up RE7 again. I started it a few weeks ago, but after a few days I needed to put it down and play something a little less dark.
Don’t forget to Berzerk the end boss
My kids were premies and we had to take them in when they were < 6 months old. That was harrowing (they literally manipulated the eyes with this torturer looking tool...). Each optometrist was in a different state, and both of them said “They’re developing and I don’t see anything wrong, see you in about five years!”
I have two kids that were born premature. We were required by the state to take them to an optometrist within six months to verify their development. And that was all we needed.
A Tempurpedic foam mattress. I used to wake up every morning stretching, groaning and wishing I had a rope to grab onto so that I could get out of bed... For YEARS this happened every morning. But the first time I slept on that foam SOB, I thought “There’s no way I’m going to sleep on this. No way!” 8 hours later I…
My brother in law drives a Volvo and I can confirm
I asked my job to pick up a couple of these. But, since they’re Amazon only, the figured, “Hey, we’ll just buy the equivalent on <whatever garbage vendor they use>“. Which backfired, because now there’s 3 projectors that nobody will touch because while they say “1080p!!!” on the box, they only actually project in…
I asked my job to pick up a couple of these. But, since they’re Amazon only, the figured, “Hey, we’ll just buy the…
I like Scotch eggs, but I generally wait for a Renaissance Fair to get them. Mostly because I don’t want to own a frier... but this is a STRONG argument...
The few times I don’t just say ‘naw, man, not really going to happen’, it’s backfired fabulously. Mostly because every time an acquaintance wants to push the bounds of our relationship I get a sales pitch about why I should join a multi-level marketing scam, er, scheme, er... scam.