
I can’t agree. I like them in there and I’m damned proud of it.

Electrons are blue. DUUUHHHH

This is dang close to the recipe I make... with sherry, and chilis, and lacks garlic.

If it’s not okay to leave an honest rating. This wasn’t perfect, but it was great, and I have no complaints as 9/10 or 4/5, then the system is broken and I don’t care.

I really wanted the GW Bush administration to pull off a conservative government that was fiscally responsible and clean. About one year in, I surrendered. I will no longer support the GOP. I remain conservative at heart, and I had high hopes for Ron Paul in 2012.

A lot of the things that the last administration tried to do ended up getting prevented by filibustering. Literally the legal form of throwing a temper tantrum in order to prevent something from happening.

That’s, what, 3000 words too many for a haters guide. I thought it would be just a few categories with movie names at most. Here’s a better one.

Stretching super cheat.

Far too much ceremony to reuse food. Just eat them cold, or at most stick them in an oven or toaster oven for 5-10 minutes. Even if they’re somehow super fancy in some way, refrying them would just destroy that flavor. And anything from fast food, well, I wouldn’t technically refer to that AS food...

This is stupid. If you’re busting out a frier, just put in fresh potatoes and season them yourself. Old fries don’t deserve anywhere near that much ceremony, I don’t care where you got them or how they were seasoned or oiled. Hell, you’re just going to ruin whatever you’re trying to save by frying them again anyways...

Totally forgot that the PSP (and Vita) were even things. Might have see how easy it is to hack the Vita (and not have to wonder when I can do so with my Switch) for emulation.

Totally forgot that the PSP (and Vita) were even things. Might have see how easy it is to hack the Vita (and not

A good iron and solder wick will do the trick just fine as long as you don’t let the surrounding board and components heat up, too.

That was my go-to as a kid

When I was a kid I SWEAR I chipped a tooth on a Nerd Blizzard after a baseball game. Probably not. I also remember Score Blizzards being delightful. But I haven’t seen them for ages. I’ve never bought into the “modern” stuff like cheesecake or brownie dough, though. And I while I’m content with Oreo anything, the #1

If you can remove yourself from distractions and have the right tools, perhaps. I don’t recall exactly which bits I needed, but having a set of security bits on hand will help insure that you don’t get stuck. I don’t think that set comes with a Phillips screwdriver in size #00, though, and you will want to have one of

My 6ish year old 46" Sammy LED TV started going nuts on me. When powering on, it would just flash the screen on/off over and over until I turned it off for a while and turned it back on. This wasn’t a heating problem, because the TV would sit (even unplugged) all day long in the AC. It also just had no intention of

Thankfully, cognizance of these things significantly reduces the effects. If this was true of everyone (or just horny males between 13-35) we’d all be massive fans of whatever beer just had a commercial and using GoDaddy.

I really enjoyed WC3 and would definitely invest in a remaster or sequel.

Since he was just over four my boy has been playing Lego Dimensions more than I have. Doesn’t care so much about the actual missions or story as he does tooling around in the worlds. And, to be fair, I find the game-pad interactions of moving people to the colors to be tedious after the second time you do it, so I see

The flaw in your logic is that Capcom owns the RE franchise. While SqueEnix owns PE.