But what does that say about Clinton and her campaign when nearly half of voters, who aren’t all alt-right neo-Nazi skinheads, still decided Trump was the better alternative regardless of what spews from his mouth?
But what does that say about Clinton and her campaign when nearly half of voters, who aren’t all alt-right neo-Nazi skinheads, still decided Trump was the better alternative regardless of what spews from his mouth?
Won’t happen. He’s going to have to take those 747s due to the encrypted com equipment, defensive systems and EMP hardening. This is not negotiable.
This is obviously not fully cooked. However new vehicles will be equipped with the tech which will let Tesla crowd source massive amounts of data while the car is being driven by humans to continue to polish the software. They aren’t going to turn it on in 2017.
I’m upset if people eat in my 10+ year old Toyota. Seeing crumbs in falling from his mouth onto the seat and carpeting ... AHHHH STOP IT.
Those are always the “fun” episodes of Amazing Race, when teams jump into cars in Europe, Africa or Asia and find out it’s manual. Add diesel into the mix and hilarity ensues. Only thing missing is a time lapse montage to Yakety Sax.
I have no issue about peaceful protesting, it’s one of the rights we have over some others in the world. I was commenting on your point that most Trump supporters are idiots who didn’t pay attention in class. It’s obvious that the Trump protester I saw had no idea what the Supreme Court does or the difficulty in…
Same could be said about Trump protesters. Saw one white, college age millennial on CNN screaming that they should march on the Supreme Court and demand them to eliminate the Electoral College.
I’ll always remember this line from West Wing.
But where are the Illinois Nazis? I hate those guys.
Term limits aren’t going to change anything other than who lobbyists lobby. Instead of representatives and senators, the real power will end up residing in the unelected, semi-permanent, professional staff that will be passed from outgoing to incoming either directly or reside in a pool of highly qualified applicants.
But climate is important. It’s just most don’t care what’s 20 years down the road. If it raises their taxes or drive up the price of what then regularly consume then no thank you, not today.
The line “It (and obvious voting suppression methods) are where Trump picked up the margins in rural counties.”
Yes, in 1972 I think. Think we’ve come a long way since then with education and the subject.
So moderate Democrats would vote for Trump or not vote at all? This has always been the laziest, cut off your nose to spite your face excuse ever.
But he also suffered due to handlers. Day after he lost he was on Letterman and was hilarious. The man had a great sense of humor that was totally suppressed by those running his campaign. Everyone thought he was a one arm, stoic robot. Humanize your candidate. Maybe not as far as Clinton playing the sax on…
One of the Clinton supports on CNN last night said something stupid to explain the win. Where FDR understood the power of radio, Kennedy TV and Obama using the Internet to drive grass roots support, Trump understood the power of social media where bullying is the norm and reality TV where the bad guy is the hero.
Medical understanding has come a long way in 40+ years. Lets hold you to your ill informed ideas in 40+ plus years.
Ah, first sighting of the “voter suppression” excuse. Wondered when this was going to pop up.
So make her President of the West Coast since when I went to bed at 3am, Trump still had the popular vote.
You think people vote with altruistic motives? That they see the long term, bigger picture of a better world for all? When people did that to elect Obama did they see any of that new, better world? No, so back to voting who can help you.