Atomic Samurai Robot


Sorry, Libertarian is closer aligned to traditional small government Republicans while Green is more aligned with extreme liberals.

And I said this already, legislative branch is thought of differently that executive branch. Short of a scandal, as long as your congressman or Senator shows that they’re trying to look out for you, you reelect them. But to run the whole show, when there’s two candidates, we vote for the one with the least

America doesn’t hate women, they hate her and what she represents, someone with deep ties to Washington establishment.

Didn’t say that this was unusual. I have another post showing that since Carter only Bush I had a Washington background but he was more continuation of Reagan than being his own man. Well Obama had half a term as a current Senator.

In a race for President with no incumbent, people tend to vote for the Washington “outsider” or the one who’s been there the least. Carter, never there. Reagan, never there. Bill Clinton, never there. Bush II, never there. Obama was only there 1/2 a Senate term.

Articles of the Federation?

Because it’s never the guy they voted for. And once in office the question becomes did they help or hurt your state or district. As long as they can point at things they did to try to help you, cursing those others who opposed their plan if it didn’t get enacted, so short of a scandal or completely ignoring their

I’m a lifelong Republican (who voted for a few independent candidates over the years), cause I can’t be an independent and vote in primaries in my state, and I would have voted for Bernie over any of the candidates on the Republican side.

That already happened with the “tea-party” movement. That’s why the traditional Republican establishment can’t control their own members in congress anymore.

I saw it live, on the east coast, how about you?

Keep telling yourself that and miss the point why you lost the election. This isn’t push back against Obama. It’s a push back against polished, lifetime Washington politicians,

If it’s 2.5 miles per KW and 30 minutes in a supercharger is 170 miles, that comes out to be 68 KW. I pay around 15 cents a KW, so that’s around $10.

We hope. But I expect networks will draw out the horror for ratings with key battleground states being “too close to call” until at least 10p EST if not later.

Are you sure it wasn’t just another case of a prosecutor overreaching and charged them with something they couldn’t really prove instead of just going for the slamdunk lesser but less career advancing charges?

I interpret “black and white” not as about race but the extreme polarization that currently exists. There is no room for common ground and only scorch Earth rhetoric is allowed. There is no grey any longer.

First thing I thought.

The guy is wonder bread. He seems so unremarkable it’s scary. I think he was picked because there is no way he could upstaged the top of the ticket without an entire Circus Soleil production backing him. You can’t tell me that there wasn’t a better, young up and coming mainstream Democrat out there? Or are we back

What? No Zack Snyder or Michael Bay? ;p

Just wait ... Hilary will get sick and Michelle will swoop in to take her place.