Atomic Samurai Robot

Once again, I have cut a worthless object.

Information wants to be free.

City of Heroes had a similar evolutionary flavor change to play. At the beginning the streets were full of players beating up mobs while traveling to their next mission, often through territory that had spawns way above your current level. You didn’t get your major travel power until Level 14 (of 50) and street

I’m sure if we hit it harder more coins will come out.

As for preying on players with games they never play, well that’s the nature of sales. That’s why Amazon sends me e-mail every day even though I ever bought one thing off their site.

Yeah. It’s like “all books are only for adults” or “all opera is for only for rich white folk”. Who thinks “this sub genre is only for this sub group of the population”?

Well it’s original mission was to counter Soviet tank number superiority in Europe before the wall fell. Between the Mavericks and canon “burps” each one could chew up a dozen or more mainline tanks each. And if you think the pilot is the biggest asset in the aircraft it does a bang up job in returning them safely

You can get away with it on the F-15 because it didn’t need to be stealthy. Here’s some more hardpoints for weapons, here’s some more fuel. Can’t do that with the F-22 with it’s internal weapon store.

You do a Space Battleship Yamato live-action film with pretty, popular, young stars in the main roles and you can be sure that there are people going to go see it.

Understandable if you were in Australia.

What’s odd is while the manga is 25 years old the Ghost in the Shell movie is only 20 years old.

What’s odd is while the manga is 25 years old the Ghost in the Shell movie is only 20 years old.

To the general public who care little about these other issues the cry about how GMOs are bad for you is still the primary argument spread in attempt to damage these Aggro giants because of the other issues.

Every music generation needs a Yoko.

I play GW2 regularly but don’t hang out on the WvW board. This news hadn’t been spread beyond the WvW board. No mention in General Discussion.

My dad worked at Pratt in Florida in the late 50s early 60s. He was a math/computer guy fresh out of college who would crunch test stand numbers. He heard a few interesting stories about the J58 engines including one that the engines were trucked into the Nevada desert and left for someone else to collect later.

I think the under 35 drive more isn’t just a millennial thing. When I was young and on my own I drove a whole lot more than I do now. Just drive, with no destination in particular other than getting out of the apartment. I would end up in two states over or one of the “nearby” major US cities, some three hours away on

You do realize the problem with the anime was that it was waiting for the manga to catch up therefore they needed to pad. Kai’s pacing is closer to the pacing of the manga.

Is Momoiro Clover Z doing the opening? They are the 5 in costume in the left side of the photo. They did a song in the latest movie but the photo may have been from that.

Well the F-35 is multiservice so Air Force and Navy is throwing bucks into it. Like the F-4 and F-111 it was suppose to be the plane for everyone. Of course the F-4 only showed that a brick can fly with a big enough engine. And like who needed a gun on a fighter anymore.

You can watch the replay on WatchESPN.