Atomic Samurai Robot

Best burn ever!

Huge fan of Michael Abrash. His Zen booka and his Graphics Programming Black Book are well thumbed through.

I hadn’t heard of Simon Pegg or Nick Frost until I saw this movie. Just like I hadn’t heard of Kevin Smith before I saw Dogma. Both made me want to dig up all their previous work to watch. Both films are eyeopening gems IMO.

You would be surprised how often I forget where I park.

As cars are becoming more fly by wire than direct mechanical linkages, it means various levels of performance, handling and safety features found in higher end models are nothing more than a software switch to enable.

Cool. Someone got a tat of a particle decay pattern.

Gasp ... someone wasn’t checking their Facebook, with their turned off phones. And an teen that’s not texting 24/7. Quick send them to Bellevue for evaluation because this is clearly insane behavior in today’s society.

That’s what getting punched in the face a lot will do.

Actually that’ll help some to avoid motion sickness. It’s the disconnect between what your inner ear is telling your brain and what your eyes are telling your brain that it one of the biggest causes of wooziness from a VR heatset.

It’s probably in the fine print in his contract about regionalizing.

Need to be a bit smaller for cosplay.

The SNL version would have the camera, as he rounded 3rd base, cut over at the dugout showing an impaled player flailing around spraying blood as if from a fire hose.

Monster is 74 episodes.

Let's see, no magical girls, harem or giant robots.

The idea behind the F-35 was to build a cutting edge, low(er) cost supplementary fighter that can be used by all 3 services so the cost could be spread out. Of course short memories of the F-111 and F-4 programs meant they all collectively forgot that it wasn't just slapping on a tail hook and choosing a different

I got 7” tablet thumb from holding it in one hand in landscape for extended periods of time. Well it’s actually de Quervain’s Disease which is a swelling of the thumb tendons.

Except separation of church and state has to do with religious requirements for office or government interference in religion. So you either show no favoritism or exclude all of them from the floor of government. Since the later will never happen you have the former. Which is fine in my book (homophone pun not