
The warrant labeled the 3 individuals “anti-administration activists who have spoken out at organized events, and who are generally very critical of this administration’s policies,”


Just because someone is young and can use computers doesn’t mean they know jack about them. Trust me, I see it every day:(

I think all of this asshole’s ire should be directed at whomever charged him $500 for that piece of shit.

One time I saw this guy walking around town and he was wearing a Carolina Panthers jersey like it wasn’t even a big deal.

I’m just hoping they can come to some sort of Missouri Compromise eventually

Brooks Ghost

Brooks Ghost

Personally, I’ve fallen in love with Brooks’ current iteration of their Launch shoe, which retails at about a hundred bucks. That said, I feel like the fact that they have vibram five fingers in the top three highest rated shoes is enough of a reason to take their findings with a grain of salt.

In the same vein, I read recently that the word “just” destroys your credibility. “Just wondering if...” “Just checking in....”


The problems began when they removed the man-troughs years ago.

Meanwhile, Packer fans are still waiting for Mike McCarthy's balls to show up.

Holy shit, that George Clooney joke was straight up brilliant.

This is a football school. They all lie about degrees.

That "O" on the jersey is nowhere near a 27-degree tilt. This is what the "O" looks like when you drop it into Photoshop and tilt it exactly 27 degrees.

I'm sitting here bitching to myself about your comment....why didn't the guy tell us who?? Looks at username.

As a lifelong Bears fan, I demand that they be put on this list.

Let me preface this question by admitting that I'm math /science / tech dumb. I almost always read, but never (ever) truly understand, Regressing articles. While perusing this piece - and drifting off into a Homer-esque circus bear riding a unicycle daydream - this question came to mind: How do football stats

you forgot the bears.

This year's worst six teams have an average winning percentage of 17.45 percent