Engineer recommends 110% on the reactor possible but not recommended.
Engineer recommends 110% on the reactor possible but not recommended.
You win today friend. #COTD
There's a reason.
OK, I know the title said plane, but the V2 rocket needs to be on this list.
they were taking cigarette breaks during races back then, and people are complaining about today's lack of action.
Motorcycles will help congestion more. Everyone who commutes to work by them self should get a motorcycle. Not only will it help congestion it will reduce fuel consumption.
Yes. It's not complex, not's as VFR as you can get. *Instability and shakey history are included at no additional cost.
Oh just shut up already. I'm an asian and i dont care about his racist comment. He's funny. Never reject a person just because of his show persona. He's probably a nice person if you meet him in the flesh.
You don't want one that cheap.
A 172 for $15 grand? That'd be a low price for a 150. Something smells fishy here.
Each week, Flight Club is going to highlight a plane that's for sale, for those who might be looking to buy. Here…
When I turned 16, I asked my parents to take me to get my license - Mom said no...Dad said let me try, "...there's no way he can pass the parking test so this will shut him up."
and I welcome our insect overlords
US citizens do not need visas to travel to Ukraine for less than 90 days as tourists. Maybe they could claim that they just signed up for a vacation package that includes outer space?
Clearly Putin knows what he is doing. Seems like he's just screwing with everyone as of yet, but the why is still yet unknown. Next thing he'll fund an FIA spec track for F1 in the Crimea.
I, uh... found this.
If they'd made it look like the original Monaro it was based on it wouldn't have looked so cheap at the front end. Sadly the nostrils made their way to Australia too and ruined our version. This what it began as.
It was clean, neat and well proportioned.
Elon Musk has made it clear that fully autonomous driving isn't a top priority for Tesla. Instead, he wants an auto-pilot system where the driver can cede control for short amounts of time, say, in traffic or on the highway. And the first Tesla to get that feature will be the Model 3.
At the start, it will only be a single stretch of road and a few individual cars, but it's coming: cars that…