
The story I’ve read is that his wife made the face cover out of leather because he was tired of getting pelted with pebbles.

Gurney’s AAR team has be towards the top - American developed, owned and driven GP race winner.

Honda dealership pulled the same on my mother in law. Best part was the price was on the window for the pinstripe but it wasn’t on the car. The salesman went out and checked and confirmed it was there. I would’ve left at that point but mother in law wouldn’t. I walked back out with him and asked him to show it to

I figured that the altima would carry that c-pillar treatment/dip like the Maxima has but it’s not present. One would think something so prominent on a new model would find it’s way onto the others.

didn’t he also create a stock car that was like 11/12ths scale or something?

Ever? I think you’re right though. I do recall reading that this was a publicity photo and most of them were just shells at this point.

Not sure what kind of used suvs you’re buying for 50k...

I imagine it’s proximity to Augusta, GA makes it quite useful for a week in April, too.

Ugh, sounds worse than Comcast (which is who I assumed you were talking about). The whole racket sucks up and down.

We just added a newer comcast box (the secondary type) and it seems to allow up to 30 minutes of pausing of live tv. I of course had to ask specifically, and then deal with the wrong one entierly being sent but it seems that this has recently changed.

Thought it would be fun to add as a favorite tail number on flight aware. Guess I wasn’t the first to have that thought.

We used the moms on call books/schedule for both of our little ones and that worked pretty well. The 18 m/o sleeps 7p-630a during the week and until about 8a on weekends. Took some work to get to that point but obviously worth it. 10 week old is sleeping 9p to 7a for the most part. They also do older kids schedules

OK, so are these regular uber drivers that have been given these for the day to use? Surely not, right. Regardless of how awesome the interior I wouldn’t want someone who normally drives their mom’s fwd Sentra being tossed the keys to this, with me sitting in the back seat, sliding sideways towards my demise in the

As an English teacher, I couldn’t agree more with this statement.

Was driving the mother-in-laws Honda home from vacation in A.C. (yes, people still go there, albeit unwillingly). Got popped at the toll bridge in Delaware for a “safety inspection” because a headlight was out (had worked the night before). Got off with a warning. 3 minutes later, in Maryland, got pulled over again -

100% total dick, sorry. Was frustrated about other things, quite sorry upon re-reading it.

I guess you missed the part of the article that said she’d have to be impeached by a state body that is unlikely to do so... Which is kind of a big deal in regards to her continued employment. Otherwise, yes, she should be fired.

One of these, maybe?

The wirecutter recommended the fully loaded 200 as a step up purchase for their midsize car pick. (I’m not getting my car buying advice from them but a lot of people probably are). Anyway, for that kind of coin, aren’t there a ton of better ways to spend your money on a new car (let alone lightly used)?

As a car guy and a relatively recent parent I immediately noticed the expensive ass stroller first. New priorities I guess.