
Words in my brains

President Barack Obama was the most aggressive opponent of Moscow’s expansionism since the fall of the Soviet Union—particularly when you consider his response to the Kremlin’s actions in Ukraine.

Thanks, Terrell. I’m generally in favor of strong defense, as the alternative usually costs more in the long run (and I don’t believe in cutting ties at all). But I have to question why you think that wealthy European countries can’t afford to pay their own way. I’m talking about a percentage of GDP, not overall

As this article seems to be largely an attempt at defending the past administrations policy and damning the one that started 1 hour ago, I will only point out that, even as such, it is poorly thought out. One can basically stop reading after this early sentence “His coordinated efforts with the European Union to

It’s deplorable that Trump wants other countries to spend their cash on defense spending instead of leaning on the US to save them if attacked. It’s not like our govt is running up a yuuuuuge deficit and defense spending is not contributing biggly to the expansion of that. It’s time for other NATO countries to hit

So, in a nutshell, you’re going political now.

The real twist isn’t that it’s evil Tommy, but regular JDF.

Am i the only person who played Half-life 2 when it launched and was like meh? It was just an average fun game to me haha.

“The knuckles controller is being designed...”

The real story is being hidden here ,and being overshadowed by the Manning story , great cover for the President media!

That is the weirdest cross breed between an F18 and F16 ive ever seen!

Leading edge flaps(slats?) are cool.

Recommended because you posted a civil and informative reply.

I guess all those rich princes were actually rich after all. :P

Well I’ll be damned.

Why is it a surprise? Nigeria’s Air force is almost 60 yrs old. Not very sophisticated, but they’ve got fighter & trainer Jets, transport aircraft, helicopter gunships and drones. They have seen engagement in the Liberian and Sierra Leonean civil wars, and a host of other peacekeeping efforts in the Congo, Somalia,

In Japan, for example, there is a marked cultural difference between the city and the countryside—the inaka (田舎). There are linguistic variations, with people in different rural regions speaking with their own accents and dialects. Often, when people from the countryside move to Tokyo, they try to hide their local

Into the Badlands was such a bonkers, fun surprise. I am so stoked for its return. Now, if they’d get more than a 6 episode season or have less than a year and a half between seasons.

I’ve been lucky enough to see these twice in my life so far. Once for several minutes and once just briefly. They look incredible in real life.

Hugh Dancy thinks the show could return in four or five years.