
Can you translate into something coherent?

How does losing feel? Need a tissue?

I will be laughing at you pussy asses for 8 plus years. You are more then welcome to move out. Bye.

No we’re not, Nancy. Go back to tweeting, growing a beard, look for some skinny jeans, and just shut the fuck up.

Yea, because lets throw out something constitutional when it doesn’t go our way. Instead of letting people vote, lets just put the fate of our country in the hands of 538 people. The left touted “wah, vote your conscience”. Maybe they looked at Hillary and her incompetence and crimes, and did.

How’s that pay cut from the not-quite-Gawker Fake News Network working out for you, Ashley?

here you go, NNSA denies the story

You SJWs are like spasming dying bodies. So much fun to watch all this twitching. You will all eventually go away, die off, like dinosaurs. But while you are at it, it’s hilarious and surprisingly pleasant to watch you freak out and run for your safe spaces. BTW where is your story about the 4 black thugs torturing a

I actually took the time to read all these tripe comments.... and a couple of things are clear.

There are plenty of reasons not to like Trump. I don’t like the guy and I didn’t vote for him, but now that he’s “the guy” I try to look at each of his actions objectively instead of just saying “Well, it’s a Trump decision, therefore it’s BAD!”

I am going to go out on a limb here and assume no one here truly knows what this department actually does. One of its various responsibilities is to manage and maintain the effectiveness of the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal. The other is to do R&D and provide information for U.S. nuclear policy.

You have literally no idea what you’re crying about.

It’s probably because Giz, etc, has become a giant echo-chamber where any dissenting opinion brings intense attacks. They often take the form of bizarre name calling, profanity, etc and almost never have any kind of rational dialogue.

I appreciate the poignant post of perfect posterity. But you’re post is worth about half a hand job and a pack of smokes.


Naah. We’re just sitting back, watching people freak out.

Ummm, maybe you missed a day in “US Government” in high-school, but in this democracy “executive power” is SUPPOSED to be checked.

The biggest check on executive power is not congress or the Supreme Court- it is bureaucratic resistance. Trump is trying to eliminate that barrier-
