
Talk about flipping the community the bird...

You posted this just for me, didn’t you? 🤗

I have a major beef with this comment

I herd that it was harder than it looks.

This is bull.

Huh. So that’s how you steer them things.

Thor will not be wielding his trusty hammer Mjlonir when the film begins

“Why not”

MCU needs more Beta Ray Bill.

SPOILER ALERT!!! Concept art for the 2nd half of the Walking Dead season.

I woulda. The first Thor is still mad awesome. Second has its moments, even it it’s ultimately forgettable.

Yeah, Hela-n wheels.

This is officially one of my most anticipated Marvel movies... sounds like it might be really good. Who woulda thunk it even a few years ago?

I just want to point out that while I have no problem with suspension-of-disbelief about a human being tapping a glowing spot on their arm and turning into an unstoppable red super-colossus, his mustache bothers me because it would be completely out of regs in the U.S. military. Crease of the upper lip, folks. Square

“This is why a manual transmission drive is never a smooth experience.”

Zordon is negligent. Earth is under threat, and his only qualification for it’s saviors are “teenagers with attitude.” That’s literally it. Not “responsible, grown men with combat experience and a heart of gold.” I would have even settled for “millennials without a violent felony who can hold a part time job.”

Now playing

Maybe even more badass than Belgian mall guy.

Nailed it him!