
God, please no. When I started reading Spider-Man, he was in college. And then I went back and the very brief high school years. “My” Peter Parker was nerdy and a bit shy, sure. He was never a cringe worthy moronic idiot life-kicked-me-in-the-nuts-and-I-can’t-tell-why like Tobey’s.

The world is a worse place without George Carlin

Sad to lose Garfield as Spider-Man. Would have liked to see one more movie with him in the role.

I like how they assume the chefs are improperly handling the meat and not that it was simply cut from the show because it’s boring.

The MCM Subarute made some people want a ute, and that’s kinda cool I guess, if that’s your thing.

For me it was the MCM guys reaction to the 700hp. They always do really sweet small engine stuff. RK always has the hp advantage when you have engines laying around.

Well, Roadkill did what they do best, Roadkill. They were at the best of their game on this episode. The Subarute is cool tho

A friend of mine is doing her PhD in microbiology and this is her focus - using fecal transplant to try to cure gut diseases like Crohn’s. She puts poop up mouse butts!

“You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?”

“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” - lab mouse

“Seems Marvel is trying to offer up an ala carte comic universe, where new and old comic readers alike can read a series that fits their tastes...”

Still not as good as BWAAH.

Pretty bold move biting Michaelangelo’s Pieta and casting Tony as Christ.

“Running your finger on your Shaved head, loosen your black suit/black tie, and be in front of an open m5 hood in the middle of the city wondering what went wrong while the rest of the crowd snicker at you”

Yes but... Shaving your head, putting on a black suit/black tie, and adjusting the rear-view mirror so that your can see the terrified look on your passenger’s face as you inquire, “Where to?” in your best Jason Statham growl, would be well worth it.

GNX OR RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Came here for this and only this.

Ehh, colonialism is essentially what sent those places to hell to begin with. Wholesale exploitation, nonexistent human rights to the natives, hiring warlike tribes to terrorise the peaceful can’t exaggerate the brutality of the colonialist rule. You’ll find the first concentration camps in the world from