
Yay old Weyland-Yutani logo!

Do you live in MD? “Legal Carry” is almost unobtainium outside of LEO.

Good luck getting a CCW/LTCF in Maryland.

Pretty sure Maryland residents (in particular, those from the greater Baltimore area) have bigger things to worry about than their Uber/Lyft driver.

A note to all Maryland Uber/Lyft customers: When you inevitably get raped or murdered, make sure you or your family sue The State of Maryland for allowing the company you trusted to get you home safely to slide under the standatds held by, say, a half-decent cab company.

Hell yea, I live dangerously and in Baltimore.

Chamberlain gives you all the stars.... yesssssss... Skeksis is friends!

(If Jim Henson did a ton of fucking acid.)

While living in Texas, I was stung by a tarantula hawk. The pain was so intense I passed out and, once coming to a few moments later, realized I’d actually shit myself. I cannot imagine doing something like that with an even more painful sting on purpose.

This is exactly what killed . They were profitable in several of the cities that they operated in, but proceeded to plow that money into GROWING GROWING AND GROWING, and it killed them in short order.

Thats part of the plan..

In Canada it does (GST) and Uber is a known delinquent.

+1 Wendy’s burger.

Bald and bearded Matthew McConaughey will save us, riding in on his tank in a blatantly phallicly symbolic way....

Fully agree with Mirror’s Edge Catalyst on this list only because the original game means so much to me.

BLIP, when jello picnic gets its OPPO on :]