
I know folks are immediately going with a Black woman but I’d love to see an Asian lead. Sandra Oh, Maggie Q, or if you go younger my personal favorite Dichen Lachman


Do I need an orange-over-black Hakosuka Skyline GT-R in my life? No. Very technically, I can survive without it. A sad, hollow survival, but survival nonetheless.

Piloted by Heero Yuy

Is that a Gundam in stealth mode?

He will rebooted and this time he will have a canine sidekick.

Didn’t the TV series already bring him back?

When the Dancing Shark found his career floundering (see what I did there?), he eventually settled down, got married, and started a family. But always, lingering in the background, was the knowledge of what might have been...

Redneck bosozoku?

The return of Bat-Boy!

Clearly a chupacabra (the dog-type, not the lizard monkey-type).

Oh, it’s that kid again? Haven’t seen him in the super market tabloids in a long time!

... but could it be a DEMON mustelid? A Wicked Wolverine; an Owful Otter; a Maleficent Mink; a Pernicious Polecat... if you will, perhaps a Satanic Stoat?

Because they totally never made a movie about this exact thing.

Pretty obviously some type of mustelid (weasel, otter, polecat, ferret, mink, stoat, badger, marten, wolverine).

Interesting. From the first time I saw the name “Jedha,” I wondered if the resemblance to “Jeddah,” a real life seaport in Saudi Arabia that functions in as a gateway for a substantial part of the pilgrims bound for Mecca, was more than coincidental. It appears that may be the case.

This is so sad. Condolences to his family.

Haha ya I would hate to be on the business end of that fucking gun. Although if one round hit you , you would probably just fucking pop like watermelon vs Gallaghers mighty hammer. Your head would be a football field away from your nutsack!

No, this is the baby brother to the baby brother to the GAU-8.