
Big day-job change. I’m commuting 2-3 hours each way now until I can move from the suburbs into central Tokyo. I nearly doubled my salary though.

Boyd Holbrook, man... as the chief of security for a glob... aw, forget it.

Dark and foreboding?! Sheeesh, some of these make me want to huddle over a Lee-Enfield rifle and gibber Kipling between shots of Bombay sapphire.

“We Finally Know Why the North Pole Is Moving East”

The producers tried hundreds of times to make this happen, lucky for us, we’re only aware of the successful attempt.

I think I’m going to spend a good chunk of the weekend watching Animaniacs on Netflix.

In a spot of 20th Century Fox cross promotion, Nightcrawler sports a xenomorph tail.

I think the last time I enjoyed an old man kicking so much ass was Liam Neeson in Taken, and then Morgan Freeman in RED (he pulled a Sean Connery cold blooded kill on a guy who came to kill him).

Don’t care how they do it, don’t care if it’s incredibly stupid or genius. I just want more Colin Firth as a badass spy because hot-damn was he the best thing about the first movie (a movie filled with other great things).

Not so different from cardio catheterization or how they implant stents.

It’s starting. Today veins, tomorrow robot sewers.

“Also, Puja is a woman.”

Gizmodo sent a photographer to capture the lead experiment designer and her apparatus. The photographer has not been heard from since.

So GGs were complaining about censorship in Nintendo games, and now want Baldur’s Gate to be censored.

Yes, I do want more of a Quake style where weapons are found on the map. Map knowledge and traversal skills are important to me and the only modern series that values this anymore is Halo (which took an insane misstep in 4 by introducing loadouts and perks).

How do they do it?...