

So its

How do you get me to blurt out “jesus what a fuck’n idiot!” in front of the pope, hell I’d compulsively say that in front of First Testament God who I’m told was a bit heavy handed in his punishment for even minor transgressions. Show me something stanced like that and driven on the street.

But of course. Everyone knows that when a woman reaches climax, her head turns into a giant eyeball and she gains the power to wield spiral-shaped lightning bolts.

Wombattery? Leave those poor marsupials alone!

Vampire Lawyer! Hellooooooo, million-dollar book deal!


I have literally never seen someone over the age of 35 in a G35/37. Ever.

Best/most mature superhero romance(ish) I’ve seen on screen. They actually frickin’ use their words and communicate like adults! Claire has no illusions about Matt and what he does. She doesn’t romanticize it and despite their chemistry, she shuts it down because she’s going to take care of herself. Rock on, Claire.

Another great female character in a superhero show this year: Vanessa. She’s the most fascinating character on Daredevil largely because the writers avoided so many crime show tropes. I spent the season preparing myself for the letdown when Kingpin flipped out and killed her, or when she realized how evil he was and

Elden Henson acted the shit out of “Nelson v. Murdock.”

Vanessa is a triumph. I couldn’t see any of her character beats coming, and that was so refreshing. I loved that the main romance in the show was on the “bad guy” side of things — it really complicates where you place your sympathy as a viewer, and I was so into that.

As someone who’s ancestors were South Indian, I can posit a guess to the “social upheaval” part. You see, blacksmiths were a religious tribe among Hindus and very much associated with Hindu temples and idol sculpting. It was (and still is!) considered a sacred art. Go to any temple grounds in Tamil Nadu today and ask

YAS. Both Karen and Claire move the plot forward with the actions they take.

Loved all of these series, but Daredevil just blew me away. The leads all interesting & complex. Cox’s Matt Murdock manages to be more brooding and dark than Bale’s Batman, and at the same time still feel like a real human being, not a cardboard cutout. But its D’Onofrio’s Kingpin who steals the show, creating a

Not mutually exclusive...

WORDS!!! See io9, this is what happens when I can’t post gifs! I had a 10 year old gif of Mr Universe from Serenity and instead my brain skipped back yet another 10 years and I was thinking of Minerva Mink from Animaniacs.

Mars, you sultry mink, you’ve been keeping secrets from your peeping neighbors haven’t you? All this time, we thought you had put away your dressy magnetic field, but our simulations may say otherwise.