
Aston Martin is probably the coolest brand of car. Being their brand ambassador with very special privileges makes you automatically cool. Being James Bond makes you the coolest motherfucker on earth. So, yes Daniel Craig is very cool.

That’s easy Justin Bieber in the Lifetime original movie of Ellen Degeneres.

Clint Eastwood as Old Bruce in an adaptation of Batman Beyond.

Why doesn’t Wonder Woman have an archenemy???

Which is good, but mine has this guy:

Hmmm. I think of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” — “Starkweather homicide / Children of Thalidomide.”

I always think of The Frighteners whenever I think of Starkweather.

No, it’s a coincidence. Thank you for sharing this story, though!

I’m not sure if this article was published with the news of Paula Cooper’s suicide hitting the news this morning, but it does seem a little discomforting. Ms. Cooper completely turned her life around while in prison and contributed to the public conversation regarding the death penalty for minors.

Angelic? That’s the look of evil right there!

Recidivism rates for murder are notoriously low (as compared to other crimes).

They actually used Leno’s garage (with Leno in a cameo as a janitor) in one episode where Tim “accidentally” sells the original hot rod project to a rich guy.


It’s very hard to Miata in zero gravity. You’ll have major oil and fuel pickup problems. Also, the top will not stay down. Pop-up headlights still work, though.

Googled “Miata in orbit,” was disappointed until I found this. Angry Miata is as intimidating as a Koala.

Exactly what I was thinking.

How did Rowan Atkinson not make the list?

Anybody with a tv in the 90s knew Tim Allen was a car guy. With the exception of Leno, Letterman and Walker I wouldn’t know any of these people outside of cars(or at all).