
Came for this. Did not leave disappointed. Would do again.

This picture is great. The deadpan looks on everyone’s faces sums up the response perfectly. And then Dorian’s smiling!


Fuck. There was absolutely zero reason to remake Point Break. WTF Hollywood.

I always found Dragon blood trees to be awesome...with even cooler name.

A guy like that got arrested? You don’t say...

By the way, I’ve said this before, but when I went to college in Maine, people there were fucking NUTS about girl’s high school basketball. They preempted TV programming for it. You’d be watching some show, and all of a sudden a fucking Nard would be doing play-by-play being like, AH YAH A FINE PLAY THEY.-AH BY CINDY

Plus bandana! Plus...Chevy symbol?

Gareth Bale, he’s from England?

It speaks volumes when the eye patch is only the third dumbest tattoo on one’s head/face.

Dude messed up when he went for the monocle-shaped eye patch tat instead of the classic shape.

If you are going to go Bhutan, you gotta include Wales (although it is not technically a country, even though it is, although not really, but it is...not, so there is that)

(*I wonder if anyone has gotten a tattoo of an eyepatch. All of the piracy with none of the slippage.)

I’m just worried that soon they’ll discover a Chameleon Panther. Those are much more dangerous.

every step you take....every move you make...

“Not only that but it seemed like this was a perfection of Millers aesthetic for this franchise. It felt like it was a fully realized universe all its own.”

My mum’s name is San Andreas. She insisted on pre-ordering GTA: SA for me, and the resulting conversation with an Electronics Boutique (I think it was still called that at the time) employee went along the following lines:

“I want to pre-order a game, please.”
“Sure, what’s the game?”
“San Andreas.”
“That’s fine. And your

A Gambit origin movie could be fun or terrible, if he turns out to be related to Wolverine I will throw something. It would be more interesting if Fox and Marvel were on better terms as his comic origin is thief grew up in New Orleans, probably a clone so his onscreen origin could have filled in one of the many gaps