
accidentally left behind on Mars

Did not realize this Home Alone reboot is also the prequel for Interstellar.

I’ll wait for 8TB of SSD...

Actually they started shipping out 8TB HDD already.

Toxic bite, isolated island. Who needs ‘fast food’.

Turned down on all? That’s illegal. You CANNOT, by law, be denied health insurance! Nor, also by law, can you be denied insurance because of a preexisting condition. This is fact, not speculation or my “opinion”. Please investigate your opportunities with a legitimate insurance brokerage. You have options you are

I was just on Komodo (well, Rinca Island, but the dragons are there too) recently. Freaking dragons are freaking huge, and whilst they lumber about slowly, I’ve seen the speeds a goanna can reach, and I have no doubt that a komodo could build up a fine head of speed to chase down a human.

and here I am turned down on insurance, turned down on medicaid, turned down on medicare, needing a leg and having to figure out how to raise 12K just to walk.

Twice in one week!


I’d guess this is a myostatin-related genetic mutation, like that enormously muscle-bound whippet that was the internet’s favorite LOLWUT a while back.

Thank you, thank you. We’ll be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitstaff! (No, seriously...tip them or we’ll sick Pinkham on you)

Omg this is the best jez comment thread in the history of forever.

I’m sexy and I know it.


theme song

Yes! We can title it Kangadudes.

How many Hemsworth brothers are there, anyway?

Sup, Booga?