
When I got to college, the first thing I did was dye a strip of my hair black (this was very rebellious of me. I was a good kid).

I was terrified of Bloody Mary and Candyman, although all of the stories I hear about him are different. We (my elementary school??) believed that the candy man had lost his thumb in an accident before dying. So, if you saw the thumb, it meant he was coming for you and you would die soon. In 4th grade, I swear I saw

Oh shit Bloody Mary. I was legit terrified of that and the Sandman for MONTHS. I couldn't sleep. Once the light went out in the bathroom in my school, and all the girls were SURE Bloody Mary would come for us (she comes in the dark) so we made a nun escort us in there. (Catholic school). I shed real tears over that

Does nobody remember the creepy weird urban legend horror stories from before us? Bloody Mary? Candyman? Etc.

Leave the good sea lord out of this.



*First word problems.

I hate this story for forcing me to do an "E.T." Google Image search. I'd rather slam my head in a car door for 15 minutes.

i dunno... all i see in these photos is zombie outbreak

I look at these and immediately think Left 4 Dead 2.

much, much cooler if Kanye somehow got involved....having all three of those jaws wired shut would make the world a better place,

Considering some of the choices of the list, I'm surprised you failed to mention this one:

Well, we can't see much of her arms or legs in that shot. She could be muscled while still being quite lean.

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could play as a native of Nepal? Like some villager who was trained in the militia, and has been trying to live peacefully, but this new Euro-villian and his goons force your hand to defend your country. Yeah right... Ubi will probably make you some Ex-Navy Seal or some bullshit.

10: Live

on how taboo the word is, even on porn titles in Japan, "manko" is written as ○こ, the circle censored out the まん(man) part of manko. i laughed when i first noticed it, because the circle is called maru in Japanese, so it ends up looking like it's saying maruko, and the most famous use of Maruko is an anime of the

Image fixed for Japan.