
Never read the manga. Love the movie. Love its duality of complexity and simplicity. Love its aversion to infodumps or vast tracts of expository dialogue. Sure, it explains the Akira project but the socioeconomic environment simply exists with texture and doesn't need explanation.

Nobody would go see this with me, so I ended up going alone. Loved it and bought the dvd when it came out. Love Pearce's snark.

He did a really good impersonation of Snake Plisskin.

Agreed, this was pretty damn entertaining in a suspend-your-disbelief-by-its-neck-until-dead kinda way.

I get that sense too, that Pierce had a lot of fun playing a cardboard 2 dimensional action star and hammed it up

Yeah! I was surprised by how funny it was, I'm a bit of a Luc Besson sci fi sucker though. The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies of all time.

I had no idea this would be any good. I don't even remember why I put it on in the first place, but I wound up being very happy I did.

I can't even talk about it. Your gifs say it all. Here's one more:

Ah fuck it all.

I swear to God I feel like I was just punched in the face. Somebody tell me this is a mistake.

Watch the Japanese version. In one of the recent seasons the crazy hot yellow ranger relaxed after a hard day of fighting monsters by taking a bubble bath. Frequently.

I've been hoping and praying for a ridiculously violent, over-the-top PG-13 "Power Rangers" movie ever since Michael Bay's shitty Transformers happened! THIS COULD BE IT!

If you thoroughly explore Xenosaga, that's 100+ hours alone :) I love that game, though some story stuff made me want to Monado my Monado into someone's Monado if you catch my drift.

I do a similar thing with anime; wait until it's over to watch it. Then I can just watch all of it at once and not feel the lame in-between time of waiting week after week while everyday at work I'm tortured by last week's cliff hanger.

This guys re-design found it easy to get around too......

One word:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine disagrees with your statement.