
Hmmmm.... a Michael Bay extravaganza with the US Navy involved? (opens skull, removes brain) I'M READY!!!

That's what I say: This is (barely enough) good for a humoristic cartoon, not for a super hero movie.


Holy shiz Erin - you're killin' em on this story.

What really struck me was how scared most students I spoke with were to have their names publicly attached to statements against EI. There's fratty obnoxious behavior and then there's straight up intimidation.

When Universities fail to protect their students, the glossiest of admissions brochures can't speak louder than the ensuing bad press.

DNA testing has once and for all, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proved that King Louis XVI was NOT, in fact, a gourd.

Too stylised. AvP 1 was better and had more genuine scares!

He's actually just walking around a little planet with THE WHOLE EARTH ON HIS BACK

What the bug sees:


Nope, but given the caliber of creative talent involved I think its worth a vote of confidence. Plus, if it fails, its unlikely that it fails coz its bad, more likely, it'll fail because people don't want to take the risk. But here's my question: If the audience won't take a risk, why should Hollywood? If they see

Saw Snowpiercer a while back. If you get the chance, definitely see it. There is the occasional generic moment and the ending is a little "eh", but the uniqueness of the flick and the choices some of the actors make accent wise, coupled with a final monologue from Evans that he CRUSHES and contains some of the best

Yeah that's a dumb trope. People who think you only use 10 percent of your brain only use 10 percent of their brains.

Blah blah blah blah GODZILLA blah blah blah ...

It's that damn Paxton! He's so hot right now!

Wow. Is today Bill Paxton Day?

Bill Paxton is everywhere these days!

Spoilers packed with Paxton!

Happy Bill Paxton day!!