
And now you've gone and led me to discover that there are toxic birds - which I was also unaware of. Dangerous place, this planet.

That's certainly a shrewd way to kill...

Awww... It's so cute! Who wants to eat its prey alive? You do! You do!

This is character assassination. I am sure he doesn't want to, but will if you fuck with him.

The two would probably get together, mate, form an army of platydons and ...... well I don't know what they'd do but it wouldn't be good.

Unfortunately, EI parties are very well-attended despite their reputation. Or maybe because of it. AU is a dry campus, so off-campus frat parties are one of the only places freshman and sophomores are able to go drink (because obviously EI doesn't care about underage drinking or it's potential legal ramifications). I

Weird, they're just like my dogs!

Well yeah (male perspective) they wilt. They're the awkward misogynists who couldn't get dates for whatever reason and think it's because women are just terrible creatures. They bully women to compensate for feeling emasculated all the time—mostly by the fact that they know they're pathetic little weenies who

I just can't understand why the bitches aren't interested in them. It is one of life's greatest mysteries.

So, to review: EI is not actually a "fraternity" in any sense of the word. They're just a "freelance club of douchebags pretending to be a fraternity that has operated unchecked like a raging herpes outbreak on AU's upper lip for more than a decade."

I searched for and verified the student status of the people mentioned by name in the emails.

"Something needs to be done so bitches will still go to our parties."

Enough! Just scrap the whole Greek system altogether. Including sororities.

Thank you for not redacting the names.

I've suggested two Irish girl's names, Saoirse and Siobhan, to many people. I always get side-eye, but I think they're great names.

Threatening to kill him and saving him is not mutually exclusive in this case... :)

Mikasa Ackerman saves Armin and Eren a whole lot. But she's pretty much amazing.

Just finished watching Sword Art Online and I really loved episode 10: Crimson Killing Intent. It's got a really great scene featuring a dude in distress (Kirito) that needs saving by the damsel (Asuna). The rest of the season primarily features Asuna falling into the classic damsel in distress, and being especially

So... I assume snorting shots will immediately be a thing.