
Watch Monster Bug Wars. The centipede never loses. Those things are killing machines. Sort of like Seal Team 6 (all of them) combined with Chuck Norris. Unstoppable.

And we're supposed to start eating bugs in the future to supplement our food supply?

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Jason S. In fact, I think I deserve praise for figuring out how to control the camera in a first-person shooter

@Charlie - where's the Butterfly Effect? with Ashton Kutcher?

This movie.... is not a funny.

Rocket Skateboooard!

They had rocket skateboards in the 80's/90's cartoon and in the arcade game. There is precedent for it, dammit.


How fun must the set of The Fugitive been???

You could even argue that the Na'vi would probably perform similarly to a Predator (that wasn't armed with a shoulder cannon), such as Dachande in Prey.

Baby sloths have the PERFECT vocalisation of meh.

Never has something trying to be terrifying, failed so adorably.

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Do you know that female sloths scream a horrible scream when they want to mate? Like something died or they have just seen Letterman naked.

Its tag team partner is the Iceberg from Titanic.

And a blooded Yautja would kick all their asses, and be home in time to impress their women-folk with their trophies.

Other things recently linked to an increased risk of death:

Aw what the fuck, science!? I love to take a nap with my lady on Sunday's. Too much work, I'm dead, too much nap, I'm dead. What next, fucking shortens my life too?